Hello dear Fashion Blogger,
sia io che Anna abbiamo provveduto a contare i partecipanti che hanno mandato regolarmente l'e-mail con i propri dati entro la data prestabilita!
Pertanto i partecipanti saranno:
Anna Bongiorno (http://carrouseldelamode.blogspot.com/)
Giulia Cicciarelli (http://starbucksandchanel255.blogspot.com/)
Giulia Pergolati (http://theredgirlsmile.blogspot.com/)
Barbara Luly (http://barbaracloset.blogspot.com/)
Francesco Balestri (http://rano83.blogspot.com/)
Valentina Lorenziani (http://carriesdiary.wordpress.com/)
Cristina Sampaolesi (www.fashionoffdutyblog.blogspot.com )
Flaviana Boni (http://dressupfor.blogspot.com/)
Ilaria Noci (http://ogniricciouncapriccio88.blogspot.com/)
Francesca Succi (http://thestreetfashion.wordpress.com/)
Martina Corradetti (http://itismartina.blogspot.com/)
Irene Colzi (http://ireneccloset.blogspot.com/)
Anna Zigliotto (http://annazigliotto.blogspot.com/)
Nicoletta Regio (http://thescentofobsession.blogspot.com/)
Nathalie Colasanti (http://thenotsodumbblonde.blogspot.com/)
Giuseppe Di Rosalia (http://myworldinabag.blogspot.com/)
Stfania Finassi&Giulia Alborghetti (http://www.gingersmile.blogspot.com/)
Scialla Bacialla (http://sciallabacialla.wordpress.com/)
Pasquale Ludovico (http://www.youhavetodigoutyourself.blogspot.com/)
E con la partecipazione di Cinzia Fassetta (http://www.styleandshop.com/section.asp?id=1)
Personal Shopping, Consulente d'immagine e stile.
Bene cari amici ed amiche, siamo pronti per darvi il VIA!
Avrete a disposizione due settimane a partire da giorno 1\06\2010 fino al 14\06\2010.
Sia io che Anna ringraziamo calorosamente tutti voi per il vostro sostegno e la vostra gentile collaborazione.
Have Fun!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Nauseaand Spinal Stenosis
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Schutt Dna Pro Plus Vs. Schutt Air Xp
Salve a tutti popolo dei\lle Fashion Blogger
I thought, in collaboration with Anna Leo (http://makemesomenoise.blogspot.com/) to organize an event that could compare our own, Fashion Blogger.
A sort of debate that allows us to compare, exchange ideas and learn more! To question our role in the fashion world, our skills and ambitions A way to make us grow and improve even more.
Here are the main topics to be addressed:
x Figure of Fahion Blogger in Italy (afferents and differences with foreign fashion blogger, or differences in approach between men and women)
x The quality of a Fashion Blogger ( such requirements should have you think a \\ a Fashion Blogger, and why.)
x E 'only a figure "cool" temporary or permanent? X
a fashion blog should only deal with it or embrace different topics? X
you think there should be a "limit" of age to have a fashion blog? X
Why this figure is more critical than loved? X
think there is competition or envy between the \\ i Fashion Blogger?
x What should prefer the aesthetics or the content of a blog? X
think that blogs have replaced the paper (such as fashion magazines) or not?
x What do you think that, in a ranking of satisfaction, the reader evaluates the most important
-photos (it also includes the number of shots made)-The outfit
-The form in which the posts are written (or even the propriety of language)-The location
-The person in and of itself.
Additional Information:
You post a blog post on your developing or discussing or commenting on the lineup listed above.
Also if you want you can add an outfit of your choice (not necessarily new) that you think best characterizes.
the expiry of a maximum two weeks we will communicate the outcome of the debate, with a further post. And
'your space feel free \\ and write what you want, while not offending anyone!
send your data:
address and name of the blog:
*** NOTE: You must send the form by 30 \\ 05 \\ 2010, then all members will be informed day when they can post their work on the blog.
If you are interested please contact me at my e-mail beautifuldirtyfashiongirl@gmail.com
Or that of Anna sheisagnie@hotmail.com
Have fun! We expect many
\\ e.
& Anna Maria Chiara.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Is Reglazing A Tub A Good Idea
I believe that each of us, from an 'early age, have knowledge of the ancient proverb of wisdom "THE devil is BUT I DO NOT COVER."
The controversial history, full of lawlessness, lies and falsehoods of MAXIINCENERITORE Acerra, built to burn everything and more ', and that is' too hazardous waste and toxic, that 2000 tons al giorno di “tal quale tritovagliato” di fatto consentirebbe, e che riempiono tutte le pericolosissime e false “ecoballe” di Taverna del Re , oggi ci permette di aggiornare il proverbio con il piu’ efficace:
Quando per la prima volta mi recai ad Acerra, alla presenza del Vescovo Rinaldi, che , in data 26 marzo 2009, si è comportato con coerenza e dignità nei confronti della Politica al momento della inaugurazione dell’impianto che inquina “come tre automobili di media cilindrata”, ricordo che avevo portato con me la diapositiva , firmata Paul Connett , con la didascalia :
Con gentilezza e discrezione, nel corso della conferenza, il Vescovo sottovoce mi dice :”Guardi dottore che quella affermazione non è del Prof Connett, ma è mia di vari anni fa, poi ripresa dal Prof Connett!”
Scusandomi per l’inconsapevole errata attribuzione , lanciai in quella sede invece la metafora del “IL GIUDIZIO UNIVERSALE DI MICHELANGELO COME METAFORA DEL CORRETTO CICLO INTEGRATO DEI RIFIUTI”, dove, senza l’integralismo manicheo di chi crede di possedere la Verità, facevo notare come, con una notevole distribuzione di posti di lavoro (Un Angelo Custode a testa), e senza dimenticare gli composting facilities needed for 30% of waste wet "(Purgatory), our Creator, to recover, recycle and save all our souls, we imposed an obligation: to try to make" disappear "hell (the incinerators) but in the absence of a perfect moral behavior of Christians (and consumers), at least try to keep it as' small as possible!
'cause in Europe (EMEA data 2008) the average flow of the incinerators do not exceed 400 tons per day of perfect material for combustion whereas to us, and just between Naples and Acerra, is expected to build two of the total flow does not less than three thousand tons per day, equal to that of all nine incinerators serving the whole of Austria (then 9 times more 'greats always said, irrelevantly, "incinerator in Vienna?"), and that is substantially equivalent to the entire daily production of waste solid waste of the whole Province of Naples? Officially
also burn 6 million tons of false echoes bales, in reality and in truth, to ensure disposal even a portion of the waste even outside the region, such as the excess (which we can not recycle) of over 250 thousand tons / year of tires that was legally imported into the Campania Region.
But, as I said, BUT THE DEVIL IS NOT THE GRATES incinerators and combustion chambers!
Having allowed, and continue to allow, that a series never clearly defined toxic waste and all kinds of "cramming" eco balls for maximum profit from the scams CIP 6, has created true "poison pills" for any plant, what kind of Acerra, which might serve as maxiinceneritore around the "as is" you want. In fact
then trying to burn the false "eco balls" filled with every kind of waste, urban, special, toxic / harmful, both high and low to medium temperatures, you create situations that are not controllable improper combustion which leads inevitably to a single concentric result: damage to the grids or the combustion chambers.
No one can 'think in fact that "burn" any type of chemical, solvents, acids (as shown by Merkeys) that for decades ending in our municipal solid waste in our landfills as well as false echoes in our bales, leaves no consequences even at very high temperatures (say the engineers, but to me, as the committees, it is not, otherwise we would not have the well-evident smoke and clear overruns) are realized in the system of Acerra.
The greed, the fraud of CIP6, is the more powerful 'nefarious Demon Mammon that did imagine, funding and implementation of an "abortion" technology more 'clear of the century just past, what the hell illusion of incinerators as a solution to the problem of waste.
And, like all things designed and built by the Daemon of profit and greed, seems perfect for the solution of problems, but then results in a fatal injury to the same "pot" of hell.
As demonstrated by the prosecution years, the false echo bales contain toxic and hazardous waste and not just a burning material albeit incorrectly packed.
Groped to incinerate all that material, which has since leachate and poisoned lands on the green Taverna del Re, in fact, not only produces objectively pollution well above the "three mid-sized car, but more importantly, how they are finally realizing the technical, irreversibly damaging the same plant from hell. The fate of the plant
Acerra is then marked from birth, if you plan to burn all the material undifferentiated (including special harmful and toxic), which has now accumulated and commisto of MSW: PERMANENT DAMAGE ' PLANT! We
, a little more 'experts' rubbish' (and not our choice), we can only recall the words of Saint Joseph Moscati:
"Love truth, see what you are, without pretense and without fear or concern.
And if the truth costs you persecution, accept it, and if the
torment, bear it. And if the truth were to
sacrifice yourself and your life, and you will be strong in the sacrifice. "
no need for installations and hell to save our lands from landfills, just now Look out to your balcony and watch how many For months now, our ROM in silence and "outlaws", make the collection "a black", taken from the boxes under the house of every one of us all the iron ore and aluminum cans (three thousand euro per tonne), as confermatomi the same Losa President Asia.
Simply launch and promote clear and simple rules for the reduction of waste and recycling PRIVATISED FREE, as in Naples was the ordinary rule of life since the time of Goethe, in a few days to get a high percentage of recycling in Naples that can not only save our landfills and as Chiaiano Terzigno, but even abortion hell of Acerra.
At that point, and only then, will no longer be 'it can "hide" and infiltrate the waste mixed with municipal solid waste and then, and only then, we could put to debate and argue whether it is better hell of (small) or incinerators Paradise plant mechanical biological treatment "cold" and total recycling as Vedelago.
For now we live in a hell do not want, for greed, not even confess!
Naples, May 23, 2010
Dr Antonio Marfella
toxicologist doctor
Medical Environment ISDE NAPLES
Ombudsman Assise di Palazzo Marigliano
THE REPUBLIC OF May 24, 2010
Yellow incinerator
to Stop Acerra line 1, the landfill at its lowest
Antonio Corbo
Waste, which will be summer? "It's hard, very difficile». Nessuno dice di più. Il pessimismo si diffonde nel nuovo circuito politico, tra Regione e Provincia. Si comincia ad Acerra. La linea 1 delle tre è ferma da aprile, stop fino a giugno. Ma i tecnici sgonfiano il giallo dell´inceneritore: «Non c´è da preoccuparsi». Allarmano invece i debiti. Bertolaso sembrava avesse risolto tutto. Ma ha dimenticato di chiudere i conti. Il governo lascia debiti per oltre 20 milioni. «Styr e discariche sono allo stremo».
E’ stato un tema elettorale vincente. Decisivo in Campania. Chiuse le urne, riappare l´emergenza. Il primo punto critico è Acerra (nella foto l´inceneritore). Il sindaco Esposito ha sospeso i rappresentanti dell´Osservatorio per attriti with Rome. In its report of 11 March there is a trace. "There has been an anomaly for the measure to a failure of the measuring instrument." It turns out that the test certificate from the Commission expects "documents related analysis required." But "Partenope Environment ensures that" it is the correct operation of the plant. "
Two technicians in strict anonymity explain the failure. First engineer: "Crack in the combustion chamber. An error in the refractory chamber. But it is common in plants stressed at high temperatures. " Second engineer: "Nothing serious. A loss of water. As if he had broken a small pipe. " Was provided for routine maintenance, has become extraordinary. Of Buonomo impossible to find the manager Luca "A2A" for an official version. Acerra burns 1300 tonnes and 2000, two-thirds. Worse landfills. Chiaiano is run by "Ibi", President Daniel D'Amico. A company that outfitted Irpino Savignano. "We're at 45 percent," said a Chiaia. There is room for waste and Marano di Napoli in the next 15 months. But the crisis is economic. The claim exceeds 5 million. 'Landfill open as long as holding the family D'Amico, "referring to 50 employees. The landfill will have to swallow tonnes from 150 000 850 000. Work safely with a layer of soil and disinfectant after each cast. "There is no bad smell, and Ibi worked well, "confirmed the technicians. But later the government money and its Province. How to Terzigno, the crossroads of the emergency. The new mayor, Antonio Auricchio, vowed that will prohibit the opening of the second landfill, expected to be filled with the "Sari". For the "Vitiello" pact of honor is her with voters. "Berlusconi owes me a favor, and must let me now." Auricchio was free to give him the symbol "People of Freedom." Difficult to find another landfill in different areas, Terzigno advances of € 2.6 million, 5 Chiaiano, 8-9 in the Styr Tufino and Giugliano. It reflects Caivano with Acerra. With other supplies, the debt exceeds 20. Fails the concept of the provincial boundary. Napoli con 3 milioni (3 mila tonnellate al giorno, 1400 nella sola città) ha l´8 per cento della Campania e il 65 della produzione rifiuti. Chiedono già a Caldoro di rivedere il sistema. Oggi consiglio provinciale straordinario. Ma l´estate è già qui.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Large Black Genatal Warts
Hi to all dear readers,
Waiting to recover from this bad attack of cervical blocked me for three days in bed, I wanted to show photos of what I consider my style icon.
His name is Kim Kardashian is 30 years old and is a well-known American public.
You can read his life here ---> http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Kardashian
First of all I love his physical appearance, its characteristic is not to be pathologically thin, indeed quite the contrary the forms are well-spoken, is very feminine. Her hair
blacks to his face framed by Arabic, what is most striking is the shape of her eyes and rich mahogany color.
Per quanto riguarda il suo stile è davvero migliorato rispetto a qualche anno fa,è una fashionista in piena regola.
Ha sempre l'ultima borsa di tendenza in quasi tutti i suoi look,è molto attenta ai dettagli quali,gioielli,occhiali da sole,accessori per capelli,smalti,trucco ecc.
Amo molto la sua classe,molto sobria ma allo stesso tempo elegantissima.
I suoi abiti la valorizzano molto,sembrano realizzati a posta per lei.
I colori variano molto,anche se utilizza per lo più nero,bianco e beige.
Spero piaccia anche a voi,commentate
A prestissimo,un mega bacio <3
Hello dear readers,
Waiting to heal from a nasty ill, I want show you a some pictures of my fashion icon.
Her name is Kim Kardashian has 30 and is a American celebrity.
You can read her life here ---> http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Kardashian
I love her body,she isn't lean,forms are very good defined, she is very feminine.
The black hair embellish her Arabic face ,she have a magnificent mahogany eye color.
Her style is much better than a few years ago, she is a true fashionista.
She always buy the most exclusive bags, is very attentive for details such a, jewelry, sunglasses, hair accessories, nails polish, etc...
I like her class, very simple but elegant.
The clothes reinforce her figure, seemed made for she.
The colors are vary, although she frequently uses black, white and beige.
I hope you Like That, rated and subscribe
See you soon, one big kiss <3
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Solutions To Financial Accounting Libby Free

Rary Public Relations staff is one of PUBLIC RELATOR (PR) that was created in collaboration & PHOTOGRAPHERS & Events Management Agency Artists "Music on the Night" with the aim to have fun and entertain people.
If you are interested in joining this team, you want to become a photographer or PR or have information about it, contact me on: FACEBOOK
: Rajab Abu-Taleb
E-MAIL: rary@live.it
CELL: 338. 78. 64. 113
WITH RARY Public Relation ... you have fun and earn what you want more '? ;)
soon ... CiaOoOoOoO;)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Unhandled Exception: C00005 At Adress Vice
Hello to all dear readers,
After a day of bad weather, I finally managed to take some pictures in absolute calm, in my backyard with my cousin Giulia. For this
outifit I decided to use the newly purchased clothes from H & M, their pairing was random, I still liked the result.
It 's a look purely from Saturday evening, which usually use for a pizza or just a lounge bar.
The gray and black are by far my favorite colors for the evening.
Enjoy the shots. A huge kiss
Hello all beloved readers,
After some day of bad weather, I finally take pictures burdens in absolute peace, in my garden with my cousin Giulia.
outifit For this, I Decided to use the recently bought clothes in H & M, Their random pairing Was, But I still liked the result.
This looks purely by Saturday night, which usually use for a pizza or just a lounge bar.
The gray and black colors are absolutely my favorite for the evening.
Enjoy the shots.
A big kiss <3
I was wearing:
H & M Treggins
H & M T-shirt
Pandolfo Shoes
She Was wearing:
Killah Jeans
Guess top
Geox Shoes
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Card For Twins Message
Hello everyone Dear readers, I returned yesterday from
Marsala, on the 150th anniversary of the landing of Garibaldi.
relaxed and I enjoyed very much.
The weather was perfect for taking lots of pictures, here in Sicily the sun shines almost sempre.Anche the location is full of charm, I think that it is museums that marinas are really fantastic and beautiful. I used an outfit
colored, with the exception of black leggings and flats.
The shirt is a cult of this season, in fact we find a wide choice of colors, patterns and fantasie.Mi like very much, I think that every girl should have in her closet.
I hope this post is interesting for you, I hope they support me always.
A huge kiss from Maria Clara.
sweet Hello to all readers, I returned yesterday from
Marsala, on the 150th anniversary by the landing of Garibaldi.
I relaxed and enjoyed very much =).
The weather was perfect for taking many pictures, the sun in Sicily shines.Also Almost always the location is full of charm, I think the museums and the little ports are really fantastic.
I used a colorful outfit, with the exception of black leggings and flat.
The shirt is a cult of this season, infact we find a wide choice of colors, styles and patterns, I really like this, I think every girl should have in a closet.
I hope this post are interesting and useful for all , i hope you always supported me.
A big kiss by M.C
I was wearing:
H&M Shirt
Motivi black leggins
Jewelery by H&M and some bought in Dubai
H&M flat
Guess by Los Angeles bag
Dior sunglasses.