Friday, June 18, 2010

Lipoma And Homeopathic Silica

Thanks to everyone!!

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Ragazzi\e sia io che Anna abbiamo letto post your beautiful, detailed and characteristic of each of you!
was an 'interview' targeted to the individual who should have answered, just based on your thoughts and your personality.
you hit every point and fully respected the context perfectly.
E 'showed that each of you in your small, try to bring out its best to advance their own blog.
sure everyone was in agreement with the fact that a blog (just because it was created mainly for "hobby") can never replace established magazines such as Vogue, Elle etc ... written by professionals.
Competition (sound) there is no doubt among some bloggers, but as in all the "great families" we just keep together and challenge each other to improve.
Almost everyone is hoping that this phenomenon is not temporary but enduring, even if it were to go for "fashion", who certainly has the passion to open will close it, instead devoting the same commitment and the same forces.
Some are skeptical, however, contends that bloggers are a lot of Italians steps lower than those abroad.
Others believe that the reader is attracted by a blog, others from other content, and finally by the owner in its entirety.

addition to the blogger, a professional, Cinzia Fassetta (of, has contributed expressing considerations with an eye on this much-discussed outside the figure.
Here are his words:

"As an Image Consultant and Personal Shopper, as well as someone that, for both personal and professional interest has the pleasure and the need to be kept informed about what is happening around, the latest trends and on the news, I must say I am not always agree with the way many people, knowingly or not, offer their 'fashion blog'.

Generally I follow the blogs 'official' of glossy magazines or less, often foreigners than Italians, as he now does not really exist more borders in a globalized world like ours.

Personalmente e professionalmente, mi interesso molto di stile personale e personalità, più che delle mode del momento; chiaramente sono cose sulle quali ho il massimo interesse nell'essere sempre informata.
Ammetto che il web abbia reso più 'democratici' tutti quanti, permettendo a chiunque di esprimere la propria opinione su tutto e tutti, di farsi vedere e notare.

Scrivere di moda, come scrivere su qualsiasi altro argomento, non è da tutti se non si parte da un punto fondamentale: conoscere bene ciò di cui si parla, che non è solo la cosa trendy del momento, l'it bag o il brand cult, ma l'evoluzione stessa della moda, legata alla società, agli avvenienti storici, a ciò happened here and the world well before us.

of blogs that I have at hand are simply copies of other blogs (this time the 'official') and that report, word for word, the news as they are taken from other parts without even quoting the source and even using the same images ... what use can they have?
I know that my speech may sound negative ... I do not deny anyone the opportunity and the right to speak, but often not enough unrestrained passion for what is' in 'experts' to improvise .. I am the first not to be, and look stylish and fashions with a touch of envy and admiration, sometimes ... certainly I could never improvise 'Fashion bloggers', also because my approach, necessarily detached, requires me to be an observer rather than observed, and asked me to become involved customers who follow with attention and do not put me on top. "
warmly thank and hug Cynthia, that was really very kind!

I dedicate this post to you, who have made this initiative possible, that you have brought into play to help you learn more!

Participants: Julia
Pergolas, http://theredgirlsmile. /
Barbara Luly,
Francesco Balestri,
Valentina Lorentzian, Martina
Colzi Irene, Anna
Nicole Royal, http:// /
Nathalie Colasanti
Giuseppe Di Rosa,
Stfania Finassi & Giulia Alborghetti, http://www.gingersmile.blogspot . com /
Louis Pasquale,
Valeria Garbo,
Cristina Sampaolesi,

Some Unfortunately blogger non sono riusciti a partecipare, come: Giuseppe Di Rosalia il quale ha avuto un incidente stradale, ti auguriamo tutti di riprenderti!
Ed anche Anna Zigliotto ed Irene Colzi,che posteranno in seguito,poichè sono state impegnatissime a Firenze per Luisaviaroma.

Un grazie dal cuore da parte mia e di Anna, spero di poter organizzare tante altre iniziative con voi!
Detto questo un bacione a risentirci prestissimo!

Maria Chiara Mannina.


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