di Gennaro Esposito*
Chi è Donato Greco?
Il professore Donato Greco, consulente dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità, tra i più autorevoli esperti di prevenzione ed epidemiologia, già direttore del Centro per la prevenzione e il controllo delle malattie, è prudente nel ratificare la stretta correlazione tra l’incremento di tumori e la presenza di rifiuti «intombati» nel Casertano. Specializzato in malattie infettive e tropicali, igiene e medicina preventiva e statistica sanitaria, per anni si è formato all’estero, from London to Atlanta, from Moscow to Geneva. Former assistant in the Department of Infectious Diseases, Cotugno was the director of research at the Laboratory of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Institute of Health. In the year of the waste in Naples has cooperated with the Special Commissioner De Gennaro.
Who is Antonio Marfella?
Dr Antonio Marfella, Executive Director of SSD for Pharmacoeconomics Sen IRCCS Fondazione G Pascale, already 'Director (now no more') of the SC of the Institute of Clinical Pathology, a member of the Regional Directors of the Association ISDE DOCTORS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT OF THE REGION CAMPANIA, member of the Committee on Environment Order of Physicians of Naples and the Archdiocese of Naples, was the most 'young toxicologist Italy in 1986. Already Professor of Immunopharmacology at the SUN. is Specialist in Oncology, Dermatology and Venereology and Preventive Medicine and Hygiene. He was part of the Greek and Prof Prof Donato Giuseppe Comella of the Regional Commission for the waste emergency in 2008, often finding themselves in positions completely dissonant Prof Greek.
first QUESTION: Professor, with a dossier in the hands of the judiciary to Santa Maria Capua Vetere is clear that the increase of cancer in Casertano is due to the illegal disposal of waste, for years, often associated companies to smell the Camorra, have "intombato 'in the land and the Coastal Agro Aversano Domitius. She believes that this correlation has concrete foundations?
DONATO GREEK: "First I want to point out that one thing is the scientific report, another journalistic language. In a certain area of \u200b\u200bCaserta, the incidence of certain cancers is higher than elsewhere. In particular, liver cancer and lung cancer. But this is largely justified by the very high incidence of past hepatitis B In the province of Caserta, in fact, has the highest incidence of hepatitis B in Europe, in large proportion, leading to liver cancer. "
ANTONIO MARFELLA :” La mia vita e la mia carriera sono state completamente stravolte da quando ho iniziato a girare per i territori della Campania a partire dal marzo del 2006 e ho potuto vedere di persona il tragico strazio dello sversamento di quantita’ inimmaginabili di veleni e rifiuti tossici nel nostro territorio. Un tale avvelenamento non puo’ non avere un impatto devastante sulla salute pubblica sia pure diluito nel tempo ed ora sono passati ben oltre i venti anni! Noi siamo cio’ che respiriamo, beviamo e mangiamo. Ad esempio siamo gia’ ad oltre il 300% di incidenza in piu’ del cancro del fegato in Campania con picchi eccezionali nell’acerrano e nel casertano ma cio’ che molti esperti omettono di dire è’ that about 30% of this 300% is not 'HIV positive will' for hepatitis B or 'for hepatitis C. Then the virus is more than certain that there is' something else in Campania in the pathogenesis of liver cancer. Furthermore, the data more 'recent trends indicate that while the incidence of HIV' virus a, b, c tends to decrease the incidence of liver cancer is increasing. So what? How many decades and many thousands of preventable cancers (with strong control of the territory) we must wait to take strong initiatives to counter this phenomenon before being sure that there is not only the virus? It is clear that there is a journalistic and scientific truth: there is no truth ' e se per essa qualcuno deve pagare, sono ben lieto di farlo io se serve. Ho scelto di fare il Medico nella scia dell’inarrivabile esempio di Giuseppe Moscati.“
seconda DOMANDA: E il tumore al polmone?
DONATO GRECO : «L’alta incidenza del tumore al polmone, invece, è legata all’altissima presenza di fumatori. In provincia di Caserta è la più alta d’Italia. Inoltre si registra in quell’area un eccesso di mortalità per cause cardiovascolari che sappiamo bene è legata all’alimentazione e alla sedentarietà: le donne casertane sono tra le più obese del Paese».
ANTONIO MARFELLA: “ Come pubblicato dal Prof Greco nel volume sul trattamento dei rifiuti presentato anche come memoria difensiva alla Corte di Giustizia europea, che però nel marzo scorso ci ha condannati anche per “insufficienza dei dati sanitari presentati”, appare una percentuale di fumatori in Italia del 32 % e in Campania del 34%. Ma, solo a Napoli ogni giorno (dati Società Italiana Chirurgia toracica anno 2009) compaiono circa 9 nuovi casi di tumore al polmone di cui 3 in non fumatori (!) e i dati dell’unico registro tumori regionale parlano di un eccesso di circa il 30% di cancri al polmone rispetto alla medica nazionale, di cui pero’ sino ad un terzo in NON fumatori! Anche qui la sola responsabilità del singolo fumatore incallito non regge ad una corretta analisi dei dati. At least for passive smoking and indoor. There 's also much more radioactive waste in Campania even intombati! As for the relationship with obesity, both in women and children, the record here that we hold national can not be explained only by the simple personal lifestyle. Many Americans, and recent studies now speak explicitly and even identify the subtypes of polychlorinated biphenyls (dioxin-like PCBs) responsible for the excess of worldwide incidence of diabetes and obesity! Of course, a global problem, but in Campania, as confessed by now repentant Vassallo, have spread in all the land to be disposed of PCBs in Italian BEN other way! "
third QUESTION: So you feel that to admit the presence of a certain type of disease depends on the waste intombati?
DONATO GREEK: "In the scientific world we still have no clear etiology for certain cancers. However, we certainly can not exclude a possible role of environmental nell'acuirsi of certain illnesses. Naples is not a hypothesis but only a global discourse. In Campania, we are fortunate to have three registers of cancer, namely three groups that systematically record cases of cancer. Well this research have not experienced excess of lymphomas and leukemias in the last ten years. "
ANTONIO Marfella "E'ormai long been established that the tumors a multifactorial etiology that arise when we can no longer 'to respond effectively to an authentic STONING daily carcinogens that are present in excess in the environment around the world, but apparently in some areas of Campania north as Naples and Caserta, now really suffer a real stoning death! The "weight" of the environment in this pathogenesis was no longer 'of 5% a few decades ago when life expectancy was in Campania in the national average. Now every citizen of the Campania region (ISTAT 2008) has a life expectancy at birth of less than two years than any other citizen of Italy and the north and south and the environmental disaster in North Naples and Caserta has significant weight. For certain things but we are in the national media, such as the lack of excess of lymphomas and leukemias. But that is not '(data AIRTUM 2009) that the entire Italy is well more than double the incidence of childhood cancers (including lymphomas and leukemias) is a negative real European and world record! In this terrifying world record in Italian, with figures from genocide, Campania is not even his personal record! However, there are 'other tumors, which also does not talk much' cause they have small numbers but have a high value of markers of environmental damage, such as cancers of the bladder, thyroid and brain. Well, do not say that for These tumors are well above the national average in Campania! As for the cancer registry, they must be on a provincial basis and there is no Provincial Cancer Registry in Naples and Caserta although we as Assise di Palazzo Marigliano, such as Doctors for the Environment, as Doctors of Pascale (Marfella and Comella) made such a request as a formal since 2006! The only cancer registry on a regional basis (ASL NA4) necessarily underestimates the data in Naples and Caserta and has enormous economic difficulties, the cancer registry of Salerno is closing due to lack of funds and mesothelioma cancer registry, which I believe also Prof. Greek reference, has received millions of euro of funding but so far I am not aware has produced significant data. Perhaps because his manager was too busy as Commissioner of Reclamation (never matches!) And also as Director dell'ARPAC as a man of confidence Bassolino. But at the same time be responsible mesothelioma cancer registry (environmental or occupational origin in Campania?) And Director ARPAC undisclosed potential conflict of interest in reading the data? For posterity (and hopefully also Caldoro ... ..) will judge! "
fourth QUESTION: Since the dossier shows that certain birth defects even in Casertano would be 80 percent higher than the regional average:
DONATO GREEK:" Even this is possible. But even in this case l’ipotesi iniziale è da provare. Comunque, ripeto, bisogna fare una distinzione tra linguaggio scientifico e linguaggio giornalistico. Il primo è fatto di certezze. Concludendo: il messaggio da consegnare è che la gestione criminale dei rifiuti industriali e domestici va severamente controllata. Una buona gestione non farà male a nessuno. D’altra parte non è un caso che certe nefandezze, dal punto di vista dello smaltimento dei rifiuti, si siano verificate in aree con altissimo livello di criminalità, analfabetismo culturale, assenza di scolarizzazione».
ANTONIO MARFELLA: “ Parlare di malformazioni neonatali è certamente terribile ed il solo sospetto imporrebbe ben altro intervento sia sanitario and political territory. In my family I live the "life sentence" of the second daughter of my sister, born in Naples and Caserta then resident, who suffers from severe autism. Autism, especially in Naples and Caserta, is spreading like wildfire and yet not within the cold box numbers as epidemiological malformation, but as a "psychiatric illness". Certifies the work of the ISS, although with small numbers, the excess of malformations in the vicinity of toxic dumps. You do not have some more 'for some time and discuss the data, care should be taken to prevent it to grow or take other forms such as autism! My experience gained in the trenches and not behind a computer in recent years gives me hope that even among the Camorra is spreading awareness or at least the suspicion of having poisoned themselves and also their families with the vile trade in toxic waste. Yet, I see the same awareness and humility among those who had to ensure that controls do not have facts and information and alarm (not alarm) that was not properly given to all citizens, so that 'did not defend themselves! We opened the doors to the genocide of toxic waste without even fight properly (see management ARPAC). Although he contributed to condemn the Camorra in a process of ecomafia, at the end of my testimony of the persons were unknown da me e mi dissero : “Grazie! Noi non stavamo comprendendo cosa stavamo facendo!” Non solo le Istituzioni non mi hanno certo ringraziato per il giusto allarme (non allarmismo come ormai ampiamente confermato) cha andava dato non da me ma da loro, ma ho la vaga sensazione che sarà più facile che un camorrista assassino si penta e attraversando la cruna di un ago e pagando con le giuste confessioni quanto dovuto riesca persino a entrare nel Regno dei Cieli rispetto a quanto capiterà a tantissimi “ricchi” (in quanto pagatissimi ) “consulenti” della Regione Campania di epoca bassoliniana, che non hanno mai voluto vedere ciò che era sotto gli occhi di tutti, ma attendevano solo le certezze scientifiche, perfettamente aware that to reach them, especially taking the data in the drawers tightly closed, that X number of years needed to be useful then to throw all the blame and responsibility for regional governments that would have succeeded. Who has ears to hear, especially the Governor Caldoro! ".
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