Monday, November 29, 2010

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La verità dell'Università. Parte 1.

A confidential source gave us the lyrics of this hot conversation. After several days of reflection we decided to publish it to affirm the right of information. From our investigations the subject be referred to as the University is clearly the person in Italian University, including for the first time you can hear the views on the events of which has recently protagonist: a scoop of "Coffee PARTY" that breaks wall of silence and obscurity for decades.'Università The first expresses his opinions on the professors and then to researchers and students. Given the length of the intervention is now published Preview the part on teachers, students and researchers on that tomorrow. If, as Benigni says "these reports are confirmed but I can not believe it, I figured," would be of considerable gravity.
(ps. The "doctor" mentioned in the dialogue appears to be a research doctor who has finished his progression stops at the university and its statements are only partially reliable).

Doctor 'll be happy, old woman! Television and newspapers do nothing but talk about you in those days. All interested in your disease and propose remedies, by the Minister up to the students.
University Are you here to criticize, get in line there tail. A brood of snakes, here's what I raised in these decades!
Doctor You should imagine, my dear. By dint of doing dissolute life, expenses and debts crazy everywhere, sooner or later someone would come to ask for the bill.
University Oh! Oh! Let's calm down, okay? What now seems to me that for years has only made me and my business is fun. But I, spending and spreading, I bled for the rest of you, you know it or not? And misery thief, I publicly defended at least one of those who've helped all these years!
Doctor Who could, for God? Do not meet with me 'sti talk, you know? I win for a doctorate without due recommendations I try a dozen in Italy. What next? Three years to eight hundred euro a month and a pat on the back end, congratulations to "the excellent work " and who have seen s'visto, complete with a pat on the shoulder.
University Ma chi parla di te? Ma che vuoi che mi interessi d’un misero dottorino di ricerca, ligio e disciplinato come un chierichetto! Ma no, qui parliamo di gente che conta, dei professoroni che vanno dai 2.500 ai 6.000 e spingi al mese! Quelli sì che gli faccio fare da decenni la bella vita. E quanti poi si fanno vanto del mio nome e prestigio nell’esercizio della loro seconda professione: avvocati, magistrati, primari, tributaristi e via discorrendo! Gente con il doppio e triplo stipendio, che non ha mai pensato che in questo ci fosse qualche cosa di strano! E però adesso che tutti mi bastonano se ne stanno zitti e qualche scriteriato da addirittura manforte agli studenti scalmanati!
Dottore                Già che non ti abbiano fanno la pelle dovresti stare contenta, no? E poi anche i cattedratici dicono che non hai mai dato abbastanza importanza al merito e alle capacità e si lamentano che non ci sia una progressione degli stipendi e delle carriere costruita sulla base del lavoro svolto. Qualcuno sostiene anche che alla fine a te non importa neppure della didattica, che sei una snob e che ti vorresti occupare solo di ricerca! E negli ultimi tempi, dicono, sei diventata pure tirchia, e rispetto alle tue parenti straniere you put very little money!
University But for goodness sake! Still invest? For whom, for these people here? Ah look, which has the reason for this, the Minister, of money sufficient to similar ingrates! And then 'I'm broken record of "merit" and skill! Merit and competence a horn! But you know that a hundred teachers there has been only one of them that I have not been reported, recommended, required, recommended? You go to look for those deserving enough, we add less to find the famous needle gospel. A building full of friends, lovers, acquaintances and relatives , here is what I have reduced. And, just outside the exit, a nation of beggars. Responsible? But that stop blathering nonsense! The substance used as the cloth to the toilet in recent years.
Doctor See I come from my own? Why admit it right now to introduce it on. With mechanisms for evaluation of universities and the new evidence for the selection of teaching staff, as required by the Minister. And, moreover, agrees well to the left, that needed reform in this sense merit.
University Bella come on! Until yesterday, even today, I only had people on board were doing the right recommendation, but to say tomorrow that completely changes. And you? Do not you stand to miss a moment discussion! Have you eaten four millstones for years and now they have to pay your account the next customer!
Doctor But you are becoming hysterical and deaf? Did I already told you not to put myself in the middle. I was kicked out just because I had relatives and friends. ..
University Sì, sì, tutti quelli che non ce la fanno dicono così, che è colpa del sistema cattivo. Secondo me, invece, non eri all’altezza di insegnare all’Università. E poi, costruirsi delle amicizie è un arte, lo sai? Sapere venire a compromesso, essere sufficientemente ma non sfacciatamente ruffiano, servile ma non servo schiocco, sono tutte qualità che non s’apprendono facilmente. Occorre sporcarsi il giusto, senza diventare ributtante! Comoda la vita per voi anime belle e moralisti da strapazzo! Volete la pappa pronta, ecco tutto!
Dottore                Va bene, può darsi, sarò incapace e moralista. Comunque, che ci vuoi fare? Se prima s’è sbagliato, a dare i privilegi e fare raccomandazioni,   adesso bisogna riformare. Da domani, si fa tutto il mondo nuovo.
Università.         Prrrrrrrrr!!!
Dottore                Che fai, spernacchi?
Università            Ma certo che si! Ma dite a me che sono vecchia e antiquata e poi cosa proponete? Una bella riforma che garantisce i soliti privilegiati. Siete tutti uguali voi politici, di destra come di sinistra. I professoroni nessuno li tocca, anche perché in tanti stanno seduti in parlamento. E se qualcuno ci prova, altolà, invocate i DI-RIT-TI! Avete inventato questo giochetto linguistico e i privilegi vostri, acquisiti quando in Italia si stava economicamente più che bene, sono diritti: e those who come after, struggle! Although the debts and failures are yours!
Doctor now ends in rancor, though! What do you do, makes it difficult to fifty of our best scholars? With what anguish to live in, can you imagine? And as they do with their families? And how do they remain equally productive, if rosi anguish of not knowing what to wait for tomorrow?
University Oh, but you are really late! But as these fortunes are bright stars for decades, earning three, four, seven times more than a researcher who makes them exactly the same job, they are glued to their chair forever (even the few who are not lazy nothing), and you you care about them? Blessed Jesus! But we would like him to account for something? See what they produce and how quality and then decide what to give? Indeed io direi che si dovrebbe partire proprio dall’inizio,   vedere se sia effettivamente il caso di dargli qualcosa! Insomma, citiamoli in giudizio!
Dottore                Ed dire che pensavo d’essere io il più arrabbiato. Ma tu sei una pericolosa sovversiva! Come? Vorresti rendere flessibile lo stipendio di un povero professore? Cosa mi tocca sentire! E vorresti addirittura, ma quasi non oso dirlo, legare la carriera docente alla produttività? But you realize, a professor is a public servant, his salary and his career is untouchable! E 'sacrilege!
University On a Madonna! You got it, finally! If you wanted to make a credible reform was necessary to question the privileges of one who hath dried up in recent years. You had to have a bias against those who have previously had a career. But have you ever seen a revolution that starts condemning and punishing future generations? But no! They had to roll the heads of all those who were jointly responsible, that's what had to happen!
Doctor equally responsible for what? Moderate for charity that could feel! Think of your institutional profile, think about your dignity history!
University Arrived I'm at the point, that want to cheat me of my dignity, if I have to go around in their underwear to beg! Anyway, I tell you and Stradic are the professors who have to pay. Fished in his pockets for me from all this time? Well, they pay! Used to me from their personal affarucci ? Well, that's worth showing! Every two years a better assessment of performance and if there is failure, in research or teaching, they go home! And you know who we interview them: on the foreign teachers and students!
Doctor What do I hear? A review every two years for an honorable professor? Are You Kidding? Is not that enough evaluation of the case for universities and departments in a bipartisan proposals from both sides?
University But excuse for a moment, you exams at the university gave them as a group? Your vote is the result of the average of other students' questions? Nooo? So what is the history of the assessment group? No, no, I do not care anymore! It assesses the individual teacher and what did you see prodotto. E che si spaventi pure, che in tutti questi anni di angosce non ne ha certo avute, con il suo consistente stipendio garantito!
Dottore                E va bene, con i professori c’hai la carogna, s’è capito. Ma almeno starai con i ricercatori che protestano e scendono in piazza e salgono sui tetti! E con gli studenti!


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