Friday, December 31, 2010

Hymen Bleeding Images

Il lato nacosto della frittata.

frittata è fatta, ma sarebbe l’ora di rivoltarla. Perché se è vero che gli accordi di Mirafiori e Pomigliano sembrano ormai definitivi, non si capisce proprio quest’addossare al PD e alla sinistra il fardello della questione. Insomma, dando ascolto ai media e seguendo il flusso delle dichiarazioni sembrerebbe quasi che the government there was Bersani, the minister Vendola economy, industrial relations and welfare Di Pietro Ichino. But no, the Government are the PDL League and the responsibility for what is happening within the system of Italian industrial relations in these days if they have to take them. So rather than go looking for cracks in the left-which do exist, should be asked to Bossi and Maroni what they think of this Agreement, which they claim to have now conquered the working class constituency in northern Italy. Paladins italianity against chinoiserie, the fierce opponents of globalization, what have they done to prevent the emergence of business models from countries in developing countries, limiting their rights and increased workloads? Do not you worry even a bit 'to see our workers transformed in many Chinese workers and put into a competition without network with the Indians or Koreans? And if he does not care, as appears from their complacent silence of these days, how can they claim to represent in some way the workers and their rights?
not fare much better in the PDL, whose ministers Sacconi and Romans-in-head clap believe the proposed Marchionne. Since the way things are, would be the time to point out to him that not only has passed away the farce of the President "worker," but that the whole structure "popular" of the PDL must be abandoned. Just be happy of what is happening to the Fiat reveals the truth of a class party, which is indifferent to the fate of the workers, which is in full agreement on their use and that does not believe is necessary to move a finger to improve the living conditions work and who is placed in a low-end income. The PDL is thus found that the party class of entrepreneurs, showing an old-fashioned vision of the company, designed to recognize only the rights of employers and workers.
And if someone answer that nothing could be done, that the agreements were accepted and to preserve the jobs there was no other choice? To these, which are many, we should say that shows a vision dominated by political economy, the vision that brought us into the economic crisis and has made national and international bankers of the real holders of power. And so to the eye, I have the impression that many voters League and PDL would not be just happy to know that their fate has been delivered, without asking their opinion, in the hands of a supposed elite officials.
But the truth is yet another: che molto il governo poteva e doveva fare in questa fase epocale di trasformazione del mondo del lavoro e delle relazioni d’impresa e nulla ha fatto. Tanto per essere concreti, il governo poteva farsi promotore di piano di sviluppo della Fiat che, attraverso sostegni economici ed agevolazioni fiscali, permettesse un miglioramento della produttività e della qualità delle produzioni. In sintesi, il governo aveva il dovere di spingere la Fiat a competere con gli altri giganti dell’automobile non sul piano del risparmio del costo del lavoro ma sulla qualità e l’innovazione dei propri mezzi. Auto migliori, magari innovative da un punto di vista dei carburanti, ad alto valore aggiunto tecnologico, con operai tanto qualificati e specializzati da become irreplaceable. A development plan calibrated short on competitive strategies outlined by the European Union, which it considers necessary to transform the old continent into a "knowledge economy", to avoid entering into direct competition with those emerging economies that can have a very low cost workforce . The Berlusconi government could propose such a plan Marchionne, leveraging funds for the retraining of staff and development of production coming from Brussels, but felt it was not necessary to do so. Why had no real interest in helping workers Fiat, which has not reserved a tenth of the attention reserved for Alitalia, which instead was nice to other "interests" and for which he has violated an unspecified amount of EU rules.
But such a strategy put in place medium to long term would have also led to the questioning of the economic line of Tremonti, this alleged liberalism cloaked in compassionate paternalism. In short, the recipe for the Treasury to handle the economic crisis is just that of the linear cut spending: a simple and short of breath at the same time, why not offer any direction for development and no incentive for the overall recovery of the Italian competitiveness. Intervene personally in the Mirafiori and agreements Pomigliano would mean for the government also engage economically with all’UE, per delineare un progetto di sviluppo innovativo in un comparto industriale molto importante per il nostro paese. Ma Tremonti non ha voluto derogare al suo schema, pensando che era più comodo e più sicuro fare pagare agli operai il peso della crisi e della ristrutturazione. E comportandosi così in modo assai diverso non solo da paesi notoriamente comunisti come la Germania e la Francia – che hanno speso per riqualificare e sostenere l’innovazione e la ricerca- ma anche dal pericolo socialista Obama, che negli Stati Uniti ha ampiamente aiutato con fondi pubblici l’industria dell’auto.
  In conclusione la vicenda Fiat   è the clear signal that the political crisis of the Berlusconi government
a government that calls itself "making" and that a similar, crucial story does not do anything, including the failure to reform the system of union representation,
a government that claims to be "popular" and "patriotic" and greets with a classic "I do not care" the new problems of Italian workers, showing a biased opinion of him on the wing flattens more authoritarian and "exploitative" of entrepreneurship Italian.
Other than the crisis of the left, then!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Feet Swollen After Birth

Invisible sun

Credo che oggi sia la giornata adatta, per pubblicare. Il 24 dicembre, al mattino, quando molti dormono e tantissimi stanno in giro, a completare auguri e regali. Sono questi i nostri momenti, i momenti delle persone invisibili. Spiegare chi siamo non è facile e non credo neppure che esistano le categorie sociologiche adatte. Si potrebbe provare per riduzione, come un tempo provava a fare con Dio la teologia negativa: ne verrebbe già fuori qualcosa di più chiaro, come la larga esclusione dei ricchi e straricchi dal popolo degli invisibili. Perché ricchezza di questi tempi comporta esposizione, presenza, importanza individuale nelle decisioni, spesso attenzioni media, mostly beggars and cohorts of people questioning and worshiping. Yet not enough. The Invisible Man is not only the non-rich nor the poor. These conditions of possibility but not definitions. The real problem is that to understand what an invisible man should experience this condition, because it is a subjective experience, state of the soul. But many, the vast majority of those who originally could be invisible, try to get away from this experience. This is clearly seen, this fucking fear of invisibility, which operates at every moment of our lives. What is the reason, otherwise, the success of social networks, the ineradicable fascination of television? It seems that the existential journey of many is now the exit from the state of invisibility and the original conquest of Overexposure: many have the desire to have all eyes on you, come to think that something is terribly childish. So does my grandson, who is four years old, and so does the dog, who has 12 years, when you stop looking at them they start doing crazy things just to be noticed. From what I gather, however, do not - because I also have an invisible-that being the center of attention is necessarily beautiful: they are one of those old-fashioned that he believes the human path goes from nature to culture and has a certain distrust per ciò che è “istintivo”. Per istinto, tanto per cominciare, penserei solo ai cazzi miei e, sempre per istinto, dell’altro mi interesserebbe solo quando mi fa comodo. La naturalezza del narcisismo non mi sembra quindi un argomento a favore. Questa divagazione, intanto, ci ha portati ad un altro punto: gli invisibili sono persone responsabili. Intendo gli invisibili che “ci stanno dentro” all’invisibilità, non i frustrati. Chi accetta di non avere tutti gli sguardi addosso, chi non ricerca a tutti i costi la mossa ad effetto, chi vive come comprimario o maschera sul teatro del mondo è già un uomo maturo. In qualche modo s’è fatto una ragione, ha superato lo stato di natura, è became responsible for his actions. Not rich, often at the limit of the fourth was a mature, thoughtful enough: already the picture begins to take shape, like a frame around the empty space. The invisible, I would add, almost never has leadership roles. Not that there are smart people, among them invisible, indeed. But the shame over the years has become a terrible fault, a sign of lack of personality, especially in a country with some ruling class. As the modesty and your self, particularly where the invisible excels. So if you want to command, or drag, it takes the ready wit, a taste of appearing, the rapid response (including all fucked up, but rapid) la sicurezza ontologica di trovarti nel giusto. Così si arriva a dirigere ai nostri tempi, e tuttavia non sono sicuro che sia sempre successo così. Credo che un tempo l’efficienza e la competenza reale contasse di più di certo sensazionalismo della persona ma magari è solo una invenzione nostalgica.
Comunque è interessante che ci sia un popolo di invisibili senza capitani. E’ un altro tratto dell’invisibilità, quello di non avere bisogno del comandante. In questo gli invisibili si differenziano dalla massa anonima del novecento, almeno come viene descritta dalla sociologia e dalla storiografia. Quella appariva come gente frustrata, lo insegna Le Bonn, che non sapeva più qual’era its place in the world and was desperate and hungry a guide, also impractical people like Hitler, Mussolini Singer and company. The equivalent of this crowd, in our times, are frustrated seekers of notoriety, which probably are the majority. People trying to imitate an idol, a charismatic leader. In Italy there are many, perhaps most politically and lie as you know, but if you look carefully you will also find some surprises: the names of the leaders are on so many coats of personal duels in the electoral and parties are everywhere on the agenda. But the invisible, no, having done the exercise of "darkness", having learned to control the natural narcissistic onanism not looking for a leader, why not estimate those who think above and beyond. This does not mean that they have a vision of politics. Tend to have passion for ideas, rather than for people. Ideas have to be an inalienable characteristic of many: for it is believed no one "has an idea," because this is the result of an accumulation of knowledge plural. Think for a moment if only to language, and you can not give me that reason. Of course, in politics, as elsewhere, there are the fools who register their mark and claim to be the inventors of a thought, but this is another sign of delirium individualistic. Loving this idea ideas, the invisible love democracy too. But as also well understood by themselves, the invisible are in favor of participatory democracy, or even direct. Representatives for life's horrors are so different from them to be thought necessary. Representatives term, a rarity in a country like Italy, seem to him most often the lesser evil. They would like the parties and movements that "heroically, with conviction, quantuquamente" are devoid of leader, even if the media live exclusively in small and large players. They want political aggregations where proposals and decisions are formed jointly. Some invisible, including myself, really liked the experience of Prossima Italia a Firenze, con i 5 minuti 5 dati a ciascuno per declinare la propria, di idea.
A tutti questi invisibili che stanno lì fuori vorrei rivolgere quest’anno i miei auguri di Natale. Vorrei fargli sapere che non siamo soli,   anche se così sembra. Vorrei fare sapere che anche se nessuno si cura di noi, anche se nessuno ci trasmette in televisione, anche se nessuno ci legge, ci cita, ci da la parola, noi esistiamo. Esistiamo e abbiamo le nostre ragioni, spesso migliori di chi le urla, le strepita, le declama alla folla. Vorrei anche ringraziarvi. Perché il vostro lavoro nell’ombra è spesso il serio, il più vero, il più importante. Vorrei dirvi di non perdere la fiducia, anche se la politica vi trascura e se il tempo sembra favorevole solo agli esagitati, ai narcisi, ai tronfi. Vorrei dirvi che tra noi, silenziosamente, siamo compagni. Che siamo una forza in movimento. Per resistere e per cambiare. Vorrei dirvi che torneranno i giorni in cui la dignità non avrà prezzo e in cui il lavoro serio e la competenza varrà di nuovo qualcosa.
Buon anno a voi, invisibili. Una luce soffusa si accende nella notte di Natale.  

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Serie De Nero

Le allenze con la destra? O erano con la sinistra? Non ce sto a capire più niente, signora mia!

Tallinn Whats On December

Tutti a casa no?

Trascrizione di una conversation that took place in a circle of the Democratic Party in the aftermath of the vote of confidence. The dialogue will involve writing a history of PD, a sympathizer of the left (who had voted in previous political PD) and a confidential source (referred to as strictly confidential) that is aware of top secret information on the PD.

Strictly Confidential: Pigi dice: abbiamo parlamentarizzato.
Iscritto Pd:                                        Capito? Ma è una bomba! Così ci si muove, responsabilità e tattica!
Simpatizzante di sinistra:             Scusa? E che vuol dire parlamentarizzato?   Quando parli così tecnico non ti capisco e mi viene persino simpatia per il Berlusca e per l’Umberto, che dicono cose facili e chiare, anche se parecchi populiste!
Iscritto:                                                But you say, ignorant! PAR-LA-MEN-TA-RE-ZA-RIZ. Clearer than that! We have forced the right to bring their own crisis in parliament. So they had to make it clear to the Italians, with outcomes that are seen.
supporters: ; will! But I Mica I understand that you did, you Democratic Party in recent months. I mean, I heard you say that you had to make alliances with the left and right (more right) but your alternative program for the government could not find it anywhere.
Strictly Confidential: Baffino said national emergency government. To overcome the systemic crisis that we are going through, politically and economically. A government with UDC, FLI, IDV, ALLOY and even if there is PDL.
supporters: ; See? The Baffino had said that he was there with everyone, absolutely everyone, per proporre una alternativa al Tappo di Arcore. E mi ricordo che sta storia mi sembrava quella del marito che si taglia gli zebedei per di fare dispetto alla moglie… Ma dico io, allearsi con gli ex fascisti? E con il Pierdi baciapile? E criticare sempre il Niki del Tacco e fargli le imboscate? E no, non mi stava bene,   e poi vedi il risultato!
Iscritto:                                                Do not you understand? The policies and tactics! It 's like a race sail, you need a tactician who understands well in the wind, feel it, so provides. And make the party making the right choices. Who can understand the mood of the country where they go! And they will be sailing Baffino ...
supporters: ; Ah, you say? Of course you have to be right, since you're in politics for years. Yet I like who tells me what he would do if the government in Italy, who gives me a hope for change, who shows me that it is disinterested in politics. And who tells me which way is clear, not that one day is left and the other seems to spit a Democrat. And I also like those new to politics, because I'm tired of the same faces who will be a populist argument, but it always comes back to mind.
Strictly Confidential: Baffino said young people must study, as we did at their age. Fiji And he stressed: "you must select a new ruling class, testing, and see if they are able and capable .. We need capable people who think for themselves and who does not say on their own but if you hear from others ".
Joined: ; ; Ha sentito, testa d’uovo? Basta con questo problema del rinnovamento, dei giovani, sono tutti pretesti. Guarda che ci sono mancati tre voti, dico tre, e lo mandavamo a casa il malefico Tappo! E questo mica grazie al tuo amico Renzo o al Niki di Tacco!! E quell’esaltato del   Dipi alla fine gli ha regalato due traditori! La quasi vittoria è stata merito del Pigi, e anche di Baffino!
Simpatizzante:                                  will! Yet it seemed to me that those, young people, the agreement with Fini did not want to do. They said that they seemed to get so close to the wrong "zone Gianfranco" and that it was better left to the scheme. And I also liked the belief that they had to propose the election, in the event of a crisis of governance. He gave me the idea that they had courage, and believe, for once, they can win with a proposal for a center-left. That is, it seemed that finally young sti fidassero most of the Italians, that members of parliament! Unlike Fiji and Baffin Island.
Strictly Confidential: Rosy ha detto: c’è il problema della legge elettorale, il premio di maggioranza che manda all’opposizione la maggioranza degli italiani. E la questione della mancanza di preferenze!
Iscritto:                                                See? Our ruling class certainly had no fear of the vote! But I tell you to do? It was a sense of responsibility, to seek an agreement to change the electoral law. Not to mention the prerogatives of head of state to mandate to form a new government ...
supporters: ; Ah, ‘sta cosa delle prerogative lasciala stare, per piacere. C’avrete anche ragione, però a me i cambi in corsa non mi piacciono. E finisco che do ragione al Nano, maledizione, quando dice che a governare deve andarci chi è stato scelto alle elezioni (con tanto di nome sulla scheda) e che diversamente si va ad elezioni. Sembra quasi che la sinistra moderata non si fidi della fantomatica “gente”, quando propone governi di transizioni. Sembra, ma non sarà sicuramente vero, che i dirigenti del Pd c’abbiano una grande paura del voto, e questa mi sembra una cosa poco, passami il termine, democratica. E poi se avevamo tanti maestri della tattica nel nostro partito, una soluzione c’era …
Joined: Solution to what?
supporters: ; to the electoral law! It was enough that your tactics were going to ally themselves in electoral coalition with the third prong, the Pierdo e il Rotella e ed ecco che si prendeva il premio di maggioranza. E per le preferenze, bastavano le primarie per tutti i candidati a camera e senato!
Strictly Confidential:                      Pierdi dice: siamo pronti a presentare agli italiani una proposta di governo alternativa al Pdl e al Pd".
Simpatizzante:                                  You see? Did you go to the center right after the fugitives, the twins different, and now they you download. No government with us, no future agreements and perhaps even the government expands the Pierdo to Berlusca. You say you do not make the idealists, but then you can not miss to make realistic!
Joined: ; ; Ma che dici? Il governo è praticamente battuto, ormai non ha più di qualche mese di vita. Con tre voti di sostegno è una vittoria di Pirro. E poi il nostro obiettivo adesso è proporci come forza alternativa di governo.
Strictly Confidential:                      Letto Enrico dice : "Dobbiamo proseguire sulla linea del rapporto con Fini e Casini".
Joined: ; But let it be that this to read is stuff yesterday before the vote of confidence! Now we send in the government and spediamoli home before spring.
Strictly Confidential: Stopper says On with the government until you can and when it will be with much enthusiasm I throw myself into the campaign.
Sympathizing See, I do not understand, what is the outcome we have achieved, such as PD. We said we thought the elections dangerous for the country, and probably will be in March equally. We approached the Tortellino and feet, and they clearly say that we do not want. It says it is a Pyrrhic victory ...
Member Already Pirro. Exactly! What do you want to be ridiculous three votes! Send them home! At home! Shame! Parliamentarians and their transaction!
Sympathizing ; Oh my mother! My head is in the tournament! But just the other day told me that he was not finished Berlusconi? And a few years ago told me the same thing? Yet what has almost always won the election. You said that was no longer the country that the wind had changed and that won administration, European policies ... It's not that your tactics are confused?
Strictly confidential Baffino ruled in 2008, "between Berlusconi and the country idyll finished "; Nel 2009 Pigi aveva confermato: “Berlusconi è finito, è all’imbrunire ed è ora che noi tutti andiamo al riassunto di questo ciclo e anche per chi ci ha creduto è ora di guardare oltre”;   e nel 2006 lo Smilzo aveva profetizzato: “Il tempo di Berlusconi è finito.”
Simpatizzante                         know? And if only I had more memory, I could climb back up to 10 years ago. It 's always on the verge of the end for you, Cap. And Berlusconi. And I say be patient, to understand the gravity of the moment, not to criticize, to send down the worst toads. And later, after the victory against the cap, it is time to renew, to make real programs, to the true left to deal with ethical issues, social equity and so on. But decades are, you know, ask me to wait for decades! And I have broken my balls, just to put it plainly.
Member Ma la linea è quella giusta, davvero. Questa volta mi devi credere. Manca poco e cade. Basta aspettare ancora un poco. Un poco di pazienza e vedrai. Adesso però non possiamo mollare, dobbiamo rinserrare le fila e tenere la barra a dritta. E’ nostro dovere!
Simpatizzante                         Il dovere sarà il tuo, magari. E maybe you will be to tell your voters that "parliamentarised" did not mean a damn and who was also a bad move, given what happened. And maybe you hold the candle to Tortellino was fucked up, since it does not carry a twenty years and since it's right to the core. And maybe you should also say you need to change tactics, because you can not carry where ever the wind blows.
Strictly confidential 14 dicembre 2010 Pigi dichiara: “Grazie a noi la maggioranza non c'è più ci siamo mossi bene, l'opposizione si è allargata". Sempre Pigi ribadisce: “Chi pensa al voto è un irresponsabile … Ci vuole un governo di transizione…
Simpatizzante                                Then I want to piss off at all costs? No I say, you have not done any mistake, the line was so perfect and should be maintained? So, how is it that the Nano is still in office? And how is it that we are at 25% versus 33% in polls of the past? And how is it that always stay the same in the control cabin, though not a gilling? And how come I can not even dream to fly with the center-right democratic elections? And how come I can not even want a program of the left?
Member But no, where do you go, come here. But where do you go? But that is not our fault if MPs do not understand what is the good of the country, namely, that we of the left, say the old Left, the governments? And that is our fault that these Italians are so stupid they do not understand that the Nano is over? And that is our fault if our constituents do not understand that we are the best leaders of the PD there is? And that is our fault if people do not understand the beauty of alliances with the right?
Sympathizing Ma ascolta, ma voi il dubbio di essere nel torto, mai? E dove trovate il coraggio di continuare a guidare il partito? E mantenere la vostra linea senza dialogare con nessuno?
Iscritto                                    But how? But do not you know? We have swept the Congress, you know? And who wins the conference as we did, has a mandate to govern until the end of the mandate. And to dictate the line. And you have the people and the members learn to respect the vote of Congress. I stopped criticizing and wait their turn. And you trust us! And end up with the counter, suggestions, movements, new leader, primary, young upwardly mobile and whatever else! Enough with the ideas, by God. Ideas are subversive, if not used with care!
Sympathizing ; Ah ho capito. Vi ha legittimati il congresso. Quella roba con le tessere. Ecco. Ora ho capito quasi tutti, di voi! E dite che perciò non volete più sentire   critiche. E avanti con Tortellino. E magari volete anche rivedere il sistema delle primarie. E date anche appena potete un bel colpo sulla testa a Niki, che stia buono e un altro a   DiPi. E lanciate gli abbasso a Renzo e gli abbasso anche a Ciwa, che aspettino il loro turno nei prossimi decenni. Ah bene. Ora ho le idee chiare. Ora sono davvero tranquillo!
Iscritto                                                  But where are you going? But stop! Come on! But back here! Come on, I need people for the event! But up, but think again! Come on! But at least put me on a cross! A voticino again, please. Then I'll leave you alone! And 'the last time that you do not care, I swear. Daiiii! Campaign at least once! But Ugh. Watch now call Fiji and Baffino and I'll put a note on the register! Come back here or you're out. Fuoriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Groppings Hands Firts Auditions

Har-Mageddon della politica italiana?

A few nights ago, December 6, 2010, there was a debate on the crisis of governance the circle of the Democratic Party di Acqui Terme to which they are writing. They talked, among others, the deputy provincial secretary Fiorio and Alexandrian Borioli. Excellent and qualified interventions, to explain the reasons for the political crisis and to discuss possible solutions to the PD proposed. Solutions that include a possible, and not easily digestible, and Freedom and the Future alliance with UDC a government of national emergency (the possibility that personally I'm very cold). The crisis center has been interpreted, almost in unison, as the end of Berlusconi, which brings with it the collapse of the myth of the 'man owned " understood as an archetype of the individual committed to accumulating wealth and available force the rules and laws, even to achieve its objectives . He also said, in ways more or less explicit, that party is not in our time of discussion and excessive self-analysis, because we need to shake this cohort (again) political Armageddon, after which all things are new under the sky of Italian politics.
Personally, I spent a few words to offer my perspective on reading, perhaps not too popular because self-criticism to the Democratic Party, but justified by the high expectations that I feel towards the party. Also I have to admit that voter and activist on the left are tired of repeating the litany dell'antiberlusconismo, the fight against absolute evil, the demonization of the enemy. It seems to me a policy "against" sterile (and mirror the two sides), which prevents us from seeing the reasons of others - they are not the reasons for Berlusconi, but its millions of voters - that perpetuates a division between ontological and ideological Italian, silencing any dialectical possibilities here because there are good and the bad, and that sometimes seem artfully crafted to silence the difficulties of policy making and cultural development of PD: a contrast that, particularly not least, there has often led to the defeat for twenty years now.
In my opinion, rather than a crisis of Berlusconi, we are facing a crisis of political system overall, as evidenced by three things: the first is that while the majority lives its worst crisis, the PD is not growing, even receding, losing eight percentage points (from 33% of the general elections of 2008 Veltroni secretary with 25% of current polls), the second that the confidence of the Italians in the parties less than 9%, given a catastrophic, and the third is that the abstainers appear to be increasing and this increase penalizes us, as evidenced by the recent regional elections.
While PD as we are an integral part of the crisis and not mere spectators, we must necessarily ask ourselves what are our mistakes and correct them as we can. Question in my opinion necessary for the rhythm of four - five points less than a year, in just a couple of seasons in danger of reducing us to a party located between 10% and 15%, ending, finally, not only a major vocation, but also to the role of the main opposition paese. Devo però constatare che questa mia domanda ieri sera non ha trovato grande ascolto, perché ( forse a ragione) è stata considerata poco influente, ritenendo che la nostra crisi di consenso sia un fatto marginale rispetto alle vicende dirompenti che lacerano il centrodestra e rispetto ai problemi economici e sociali che vive il paese. Malgrado ciò, resto con i miei dubbi, e li riformulo chiedendo aiuto a chi voglia collaborare a chiarirmeli, anche (e soprattutto) tra chi era presente ieri sera.  
Le domande insolute restano per me le seguenti:

1)   il PD è effettivamente coinvolto crisis in the Italian political system? And, if so, why has not had the ability to be a viable alternative?
2) What suggestions can activate the PD drop out of this approvals and recur as innovative force capable of driving a new majority?

hope in the responses of many friends, will reclaim two answers that I suggested last night, which certainly can not be compared to the vastness and partial applications.

a) The Italians hate parties and lack confidence because they hate the party politics, which brings in its wake the patronage and justification of amoral familism. In this country to work to find employment, to attend to a practice, to get support, winning a contract, obtaining financing, must be used consistently to aid, to nudge, to knowledge. The Italians, said politely, we are tired of this situation, both those participating in the "game" and those who struggled and commendably, they are outside. The parties and their interference tentacles are often experienced as a curse as a cross that the country must aim to limit the emergence of merit and competitiveness, as a brake on the desire to do, as the great burden of ' Italian economy and development. Indeed i cittadini perdono progressivamente fiducia anche nelle istituzioni e nello stato, verso i quali i partiti rappresentano i naturali, ma inefficaci, mediatori.   Il successo ventennale di Berlusconi e Bossi si inquadra anche (se non soprattutto) in una semplificata e demagogica concezione anti-politica, nella capacità di presentarsi come anti-burocrazia e anti – stato: un successo che è riduttivo e auto -consolatorio inquadrare come frutto esclusivo della forza mediatica del cavaliere. Ma mentre la destra fallisce in questo disegno di marcare una diversità e si rivela dominata dal clientelismo, la sinistra moderata non riesce a presentarsi come valida alternativa.
Quello che è manca and it is not, in my opinion, is the ability of the left to get away from patronage radically, to make a radical battle on this issue, to put (or repeat) with the moral clarity to the center of their debate. The following tangentopoli, from which we were quite immune to various reasons, has not seen a proper reflection on the theme of the Democratic Party and the ruling class (despite coming from a large majority parties of the First Republic) has been pretending that the problem did not exist. Even today among many of our leaders (more or less relevant) I feel confusion between political action and use of power, so that help the "Friends" or "people" - facilitating practices, making the case with the PA, giving a hand to find a job or offering one - is considered a meritorious act, of which the most naive or casual you do also boast publicly. It does so without realizing or seeing this cunningly, that help a person or a group of friends (and not a category, social class or better, all citizens) means advent of such a report clientelism, where someone improperly provides help and protection, and somebody else instead is helped (incorrectly as well) reciprocate the vote and loyalty. A feudal system that is not necessarily illegal, but I personally hate and moralmente indecoroso, ma che spesso all’interno dei partiti è considerato naturale e viene legittimato (anche assegnando incarichi di comando a chi, di tale relazione di presunto aiuto, si fa garante). Un sistema che da una parte apporta certo dei voti - che diventano la merce di scambio, la moneta con cui ripagare i favori - ma dall’altra genera insoddisfazione e odio verso i partiti, esattamente come fa la relazione servo - padrone.   Un sistema   intollerabile che presuppone un senso di superiorità del “potente” di turno verso il debole, o che comunque porta ad un governo di parte, in cui vengono privilegiati i propri sostenitori a discapito di chi non ti ha votato: a system that I find more unacceptable to a political force that should be left equality as a fundamental value. But the moral question seems to be out of fashion in political parties and in PD, which I see often tolerate these situations. That to me raises a number of questions, list here confused and can not find an answer:
Why the silence and complicity? And how much it costs us, this silence, in terms of popularity and credibility? And how much it costs to the system - the country? Where does the dream of a different Italy, freed from centuries of patronage? Why can not we propose with conviction and consistency of the project Italy that rewards merit and competitiveness? Why not let us know the promoters of a liberal revolution, which has always lacked in our country, historically crushed by the communist and Catholic communities would that have degenerated into consociativismo and corporatism? Why not put the center of our political project to reform socialist and liberal as that predicted by Rosselli, in which the need for social protection does not conflict with the need to enhance the capacity and commitment? Why not freed from the need for young fathers and godfathers and families and make them free to choose their own destinies?

b) The second problem is that of caste. Of course, this is a populist theme, but that there is in the public and we can not overlook. And that probably exists so the public hearing because the parties, as mentioned above, most often act as groups of power as political subjects, not proposing structural solutions to companies and individuals in all but offering "protection" to their supporters . No doubt the Democratic Party in which Soldier is made in the vast majority of supporters and members who generously put their time for free and available to the party and this I have no way to see every day in the life of my circle. Yet the ruling classes damage sometimes the impression of taking lightly the problem when it occurs, clearly not acting to isolate and fight those people who do politics for their own personal gain (which is something very different from the legitimate ambition). The policy of the chairs and benefices and offices still pervades the life of the parties too hard and makes the development of a frank debate, free. Because when we are back to a discussion of personal interests the public good and the good of the party only become obstacles to overcome to achieve their goals or mere pretexts on which to build their fortunes. On this issue of caste and useful idiots that are used to reinforce I would expect a clearer position of the Democratic Party. Indeed it was one of those conditions which led me to join the PD model because the party left the Lingotto was very different from the traditional parties, in virtue of its openness to the outside. Why is the "caste" can be overcome, if we committed. E 'possible in the first place if you keep the Democratic party opened, a party "wiki", a party that is in dialogue with civil society and osmotic. More than the party tighten on itself and its members, more likely to consolidate a political class that self-preservation tends privileges. The danger of "caste" is exceeded even by stating unequivocally that politics is a service and not a job, and then the power and positions are transitional in nature. The "caste" is exceeded also promoting true democratic mechanisms of competition for elective office and positions of the party. The primaries are the most important resource of the Democratic Party democratic, and their use, rather than being challenged, should be strengthened, including to release new energies and enhance the life of the party wants to participate. As proposed recently Lombard by some delegates, should be used wherever the primaries to choose candidates even in the next national elections. And, just to avoid the fossilization of the ruling class, you should respect the status of the PD categorically, that provide for a maximum of three appointments to the House and Senate. Finally, to strengthen the basis of weight compared to elite executives, you should make more use of the use of "doparie" or the referendum among members on key issues and controversial political life of the party and country.

Here I close with my analysis and my own, partial proposals. And listen to the rest of your comments and your proposals. Because I believe that the essence of PD is that of a party attended and open to discussion.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Does Asthma Make You Susceptible To Colds

Al passato grazie, al futuro si.

E 'online future of italiana.Andate and multiply. Next Home Italy

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tonights Lottery Numbers

Italiani: neoprimitivi rozzi e cibernetici?

E 's a bit like if we used the Space Shuttle for a trip from Rome to Milan . Or as if we put a Ferrari in the hands of a novice. In short, a huge technological potential is underused. This is the impression one gets by scrolling through the items most sought 10 of 2010 on search engines (in Italian) Google and Yahoo. Although it is true that the Internet is the most unique provider of news and knowledge of history, the use of mass that is made in Italy this year is the mirror of a country blissfully frivolous, basically ignorant, superstitious, and that greatly cultivates his vices with everyday perseverance.
A country more and more fiercely crumpled in on itself, as among the top ten most searched words do not see a covering major international events, political, sociale o culturale del 2010. Non compaiono, tanto per dire, il terremoto di Haiti, la marea nera nel Golfo del Messico, le elezioni di mid term o la riforma sanitaria degli Usa, il ritiro delle truppe dall’Iraq, le elezioni in Afghanistan, le proteste per il voto in Iran e neppure un avvenimento sportivo universalmente noto come i mondiali di calcio in Sud Africa. Di internazionale non c’è un bel nulla tra gli argomenti cercati, a meno che non si debba considerare come tale la ricerca “ Rodriguez” (6° posto nella classifica di Yahoo), a conferma del potere perverso non tanto della bellezza quanto del pettegolezzo.
Ma mettiamo pure che l’assenza dei grandi eventi internazionali is due to the volatility of the news, their relentless succession which prevents sedimentation. So, we imagine, will be better with those tools provided by the network to increase their own culture and information, from Wikipedia to major news sites, from interactive pages of the big museums to those of large libraries, etc. ... But here we must note sadly a failure because the top ten not only shows the Wikileaks site or Google Earth, but not, it really is sensational, the utopia created by Jimmy Wales. No, as a means of understanding the Italians have chosen to use mainly the "forecast" or the "weather" (Both located at the No. 8 spot on the two motors) and were assist in their life choices made by the "tarot" (10 ° yahoo) and by the 'horoscope' (3 rd yahoo). In fairness we must say that at least a generic "maps" (9 th place yahoo) will appear, making the most benevolent interpreters imagine a renewed interest in Italy for the region, that's insane Critics counter, however, assuming a simple search for driving directions. Among the tools of knowledge belong also to type the word "google" but one wonders how many millions of genes there are in Italy looking that the word "google" their own on google (and I have to be many, since is in 7th place). Tool sharing of information could also be "streaming" (9 ° on google) which necessarily involve the overflowing "youtube" which is a close second in the annual ranking of google. And while "streaming" the association is immediately on the sly attempts to view movies or sporting events, "free" to-understand " youtube" some hope the grants, since (although rarely) some video of the scale information ranking of the most popular (and although often a recycling della televisione).
Per quanto riguarda le cose di casa- visto che i dati sono relativi all’Italia – non c’è modo di trovare in vetta neppure un evento di un qualche interesse. Non si cercano “ 150 unità”, non “Pompei”, non “crisi economica”, non “Fiat” o “Pomigliano”, non “lavoro”, non “l’Aquila”, non “euro”, non “rifiuti”, non “Napoli”. E neppure “Italia ”.   Latitano anche i leader politici, da “Grillo” – il re della rete- a “Di Pietro”, da “Bersani” a “Casini” e neppure “Fini” e “Vendola”, che la rete stanno imparando a sfruttarla. E, sacrilegio dei sacrilegi, nemmeno Berlusconi” compare tra i primi dieci ricercati. E allora, quali sono gli argomenti italici su cui più si interrogano e si struggono i connazionali internauti? Cosa va oltre la politica, la cronaca e le problematiche quotidiane? Il nostro senso civico e la nostra curiosità intellettuale ci porta ad informarci appassionatamente di “Calciomercato” (7° su yahoo), che non è neppure uno sport ma un mero chiacchiericcio sul calcio. E in un crescendo di impeto culturale in quinta posizione (su yahoo) si colloca il “grande fratello”, finto spaccato televisivo di sociologia e antropologia italica, i cui concorrenti parlano lievemente o incazzosamente del nulla per mesi interi. Ma l’apoteosi dell’interesse, la questione delle questioni italiche per il 2010 è qualcosa di ancora più sconvolgente: gli italiani infatti si interrogano all’unisono sul significato del “superenalotto”, che si colloca in quarta posizione su yahoo e che conferma la sete di sapere che tutti ci anima. O la nostra irriducibile speranza nello stellone, che rovina le nostre vite.
Ma si sa, storicamente gli italiani sono un popolo che ama la bella vita e questo è il presupposto to imagine that a prominent place in the research have the "travel" and "Holiday" or "monuments" and "art" or, at worst, "wine" and "kitchen". But the Italians have the Internet if looking for the word "games" occupying the sixth position on google and yahoo on the second: which provides the framework for how widespread the playful childishness in this country.
A look at the standings, but not everything is lost, because it excels in both engines of the irrepressible brand faccialibro. “Facebook” è il most wanted italiano , a cui si associa il più dettagliato “facebook login” al quinto posto su google. E, vivaddio, si tratta di una notizia confortante, perché dimostra che la socialità e la condivisione sono ancora fatti importanti, in questo strambo paese. E a confermarlo è anche la presenza (10° posto su google) di "libero mail", unico sito di posta elettronica nelle prime posizioni. Confortante, certo, questa voglia di comunicare, ma anche un poco deprimente, se messa in relazione con gli altri primi 20 risultati: di cosa infatti parleranno questi milioni di utenti di faccialibro, vista la qualità (molto bassa) dei loro interessi internautici?
Restano ancora su google due posti vuoti, al terzo e quarto posto: ricerche enigmatiche che spingono ad interrogarsi. La medaglia di legno è occupata da “you”. “You” cosa, vi chiederete. “You” e basta, che milioni di italiani cercano disperatamente. E qui è facile dire che la ricerca era da associare a “you tube” e probabilmente è così, visti i risultati che si ottengono digitando su google.
Ma a noi piace, talvolta, pensare diversamente. E vogliamo credere che quel “you” sia contemporaneamente la ricerca dell’altro (di un "tu" che sempre si attende) ma anche   finding themselves (that "you" that's me) and which is also seeking an international dimension of living and being in the world, that necessarily passes through the English language.
And that "free" on the lowest rung of the podium we would interpret it imaginatively. Because it is highly likely that the researchers refer to the famous Italian general site, but we would like to dare the impossible.
We want to daydream that Italians seek the adjective "free " to find out how many variations and in many ways and in how many ways you can attain freedom. And they discover each day and with renewed surprise that the best way to be and become "free" is one drawn by curiosity and knowledge.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Paintable Latex Masks

L'Università degli intoccabili

E’ tutto sbagliato e hanno sbagliato tutti. La battaglia politica sull’Università   condotta da maggioranza e opposizioni fuori e dentro il parlamento si regge, infatti, su un colossale fraintendimento. Si basa, anzi, su un errore di prospettiva, per cui si guarda (e si parla) al futuro, quando invece la questione, il tempo decisivo, è il passato. C’è infatti un’enorme vuoto di memoria storica che grava su questo dibattito e che lo condiziona rendendolo furioso e cieco. Si dimentica che quanto accadrà domani è comunque figlio, legittimo o illegittimo che dire si voglia, degli errori del passato e delle scelte compiute dalle generazioni precedenti. Generazione di docenti e ricercatori universitari che hanno contribuito in modo decisivo allo sfascio dell’Università o che, nei casi migliori, hanno assistito con indifferenza alla sua rovina. Generazioni che ha utilizzato (o consentito che si usassero) metodi di selezione ingiusti e scriteriati della classe docente, con concorsi palesemente falsati o finti, che hanno consegnato gli incarichi di docenza quasi elusivamente ad amici, parenti, conoscenti, compagni di partito, soci di woven. Generations of barons who have benefited from high salaries are not related in any way for ratings on merit and efficiency and generation of researchers who looked at the place fixed as the occasion to settle for life without having to make more accountable to anyone or anything. These are the same professors who knowingly exploited the hopes of talented students freely used for teaching assignments ed'amministrazione, flashing in these desperate the possibility of future assignments. These are the same teachers who have seen change in poor and insecure aspiring teachers and instead report the situation, promote a reform or be willing to surrender some have acted as the most conservative of the caste, and insert privileges on who dared to baptize as rights with impunity, mocking those who simply for matters of youth registry, these rights could not and never will be able to enjoy it. It is these same professors who contributed to "enervate" the moral force of the University, because they taught that the servility and the ability to endure humiliations are the best and perhaps only criteria to hope for a career as a teacher.

But the Gelmini decree and counter-proposals made by opposition non hanno il coraggio di sfidare questa casta di intoccabili. Nessuno dice che incarichi e remunerazioni dei docenti attuali vanno ridiscusse, rinegoziate, rivalutate. Nessuno dice che andrebbe introdotto un sistema di valutazione individuale dell’attività di ricerca e dell’attività didattica, che possa portare anche alla   rimozione definitiva dall’incarico di un professore inefficiente o inadeguato. Non si parla della possibilità di correlare lo stipendio degli attuali cattedratici con i risultati del loro lavoro. Non si chiede loro un maggior numero di ore di presenza per la didattica e la ricerca. Non si chiede neppure di smetterla con i doppi e tripli incarichi ( e con i relativi doppi tripli stipendi)   per cui un professore è contemporaneamente un libero professionista, un medico e, perché no, anche un consulente. Non si osa neppure adombrare una eventuale diminuzione dei loro stipendi, per finanziare borse di studio, nuovi ricercatori, assegni di ricerca: e questo nonostante la spesa di personale raggiunga spessa quasi l’80% dei costi sostenuti dalle Università. Nulla di tutto questo avviene: il merito, l’efficienza, la flessibilità, l’aumento delle ore di lavoro sono infatti richieste che si debbono imporre solo ad operai e impiegati, alla povera massa, inutile e ignorante. Oppure sono doveri da assegnare alle generazioni future, che devono scontare la colpa ancestrale della loro stessa gioventù.

La riforma Gelmini e le reazioni politiche (e sociali) alla sua proposta di legge segnalano la mentalità conservatrice che pervade il nostro paese. Indicano l’esistenza nell’Università (ma anche nella società) di una “gerontocrazia” dominante, che premia e conserva i privilegi di chi può esibire titoli di anzianità. Le scelte compiute sul sistema formativo superiore dimostrano pertanto l’esistenza di un tabù, che è quello dei diritti acquisiti, che non può essere messo in discussione: e questo nonostante tali diritti siano stati conquistati spesso in modo poco trasparente, poco meritevole, senza averne appunto realmente diritto. Le reazioni politiche alle proteste dimostrano inoltre l’irresponsabilità delle generazioni precedenti, che hanno avvallato un sistema universitario economicamente ( e moralmente) non sostenibile,   e che si dimostrano indifferenti alle ricadute sulle generazioni future, a cui hanno consegnato il problema e la necessità della sua soluzione. L’insieme delle riforme approvate o che si intende approvare in questo paese - ad esempio   quelle sulla scuola primaria e secondaria e quelle sul mercato del lavoro - rendono evidente la trasformazione culturale e semantica della parola “diritto” che ammanta di nobiltà “privilegi” diventati insostenibili e che alimentano the formation of an unequal society, which punishes more and more young people. Italy has now turned into a nation at all levels - political, social, cultural- demonstrates a blatant lack of solidarity between generations, because the "old" are not willing to renegotiate the their situation with the young people are not interested in sitting at the same table for comparison without pontificating from a chair, without posing as a preamble to the inviolability of every speech that has been acquired in the past.

The problem is so Italian, so the applicant, a memory problem, articulated by historical research and ability to develop a serious self-criticism. It must be a serious assessment of what happened in the recent past to make proposals for the reform of society that produce social justice and equality. It 's too easy (and unfair) to solve problems using the motto "scurdammoce or' past 'and turn the page. You have to determine the historical responsibility to make amends for their mistakes, make available to correct the injustices that have produced and on this basis build a proposal for the future, otherwise it is a leap of faith and a black hole where launch the new generations. To “anziani” italiani si dovrebbe insegnare la responsabilità. Responsabilità che non significa solo avere dei privilegi, ma assumersi degli oneri per permettere alle giovani generazioni di avere un futuro migliore. Nel nostro strambo paese invece ai giovani si chiedono sacrifici e responsabilità, ai loro padri e nonni si danno ricchezze e privilegi.        

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How Much Is Laminating At Staples

La verità dell'Università. Parte 2

Dottore                E va bene, con i professori c’hai la carogna, s’è capito. Ma almeno starai con i ricercatori che protestano e scendono in piazza e salgono sui tetti! E con gli studenti!
Università            Calma, calma, bellino! We make distinctions. Before we talk about research, then we see. Sure, they're made worse professors and work as much, if not more. But from there to defend them and rip off your clothes ...
Doctor 're a reactionary I knew it! A counter-revolutionary, just like the leftists say they are talking about the Minister. At the end you also supports the powerful against the weak ...
University UHE, wait a minute! Answer a few questions first?
Doctor Then there is no time, shoot! The barbarians are pressing at the door!
University Do you agree that for at least thirty years, you do not receive research grants without recommendation or report?
Doctor What exaggeration! It happens, it is true, and yet many often walk with their own two feet.
University will! I do not and I know but .... But tell me, in life you think people preferiscono essere ricche o povere?
Dottore                Quasi sempre ricche, è chiaro! Ma sono domande?
Università            E i ricercatori sono pagati bene?
Dottore                Bene non direi.
Università            Quindi quelli che una volta laureati ricevono proposte di lavoro private meglio remunerate che fanno?
Dottore                Vanno a lavorare nel privato. Ma chi sta in Università lo fa per un ideale, perché   wants to do research without being constrained by the rules of profit!
University Ah well. We arrived at the ideal time worn ... However we have already narrowed down the field. The researcher is one who has ideals, are not interested to earn more, it can not do the same thing in some private property. Not exactly a common picture. And the uncertainty of the path, where you put it?
Doctor Beh, i ricercatori sono gente coraggiosa in effetti. Perché inizi a fare il ricercatore ma non sai come finisci. E se ti troveranno una collocazione.
Università            Esatto. Quindi tendenzialmente devi pure essere benestante, perché i primi anni, tra dottorato e assegni a singhiozzo, non ci campi. La popolazione interessata si restringe …
Dottore                the most motivated, courageous and selfless.
University There will be only the most wealthy and less motivated to work?
Doctor Who has to do with motivation? What do you know if one is motivated?
Università            Io nulla, però … Se ti dai più da fare, come ricercatore, diventi professore? Oppure ti arrivano più soldi?
Dottore                Beh, no. Insomma ora che mi ci fai pensare, che un ricercatore si dia da fare oppure no cambia poco. Ho visto gente diventare assegnista senza aver finito neppure una tesi di ricerca. E altri diventare ricercatori con pubblicazioni ridicole, raffazzonate e scopiazzate.
Università            Ah! Sai io che penso? Che la natura umana ci spinge a non fare niente, se non ne otteniamo vantaggi. Quindi i ricercatori tendenzialmente non faranno niente, visto che non serve a nulla. O meglio, una cosa la faranno …
Dottore                                E cosa, per Dio?
Università            Vedo che anche tu perdi la pazienza, bene! I ricercatori si cercano degli amici, dei sostenitori, degli sponsor. Questa è la loro attività principale. Una corte di adulatori.
Dottore                Ma come ti permetti! C’è people who do so for two cents a bunch and is being exploited.
University But for heaven's sake, of course. Mica say that there are not, hardworking people! Or is their fault! No, I say that the system gives the flattering, that's all. What most are clear-cut and bow are most fascinating. Ah, I add that even fewer are self-employed have more chance of progression.
Università            Ma suvvia, sto dicendo cose ovvie. Cose normali. Se sei un professore, ti fa piacere avere alle dipendenze uno che ti deve tutto, o no? Così sei sicuro che non potrà mai scalzarti dal tuo trono. E stai sicuro che nessuno metterà in dubbio le tue idee, pena l’ostracismo e l’espulsione. Sai quanti ne ho visti, di ricercatori e assegnisti, fare ricerche in cui non credevano minimamente, solo per piaggeria verso il professore?
Doctor All right. Let's say I believe it, although I know that things are not true. Do you think the researchers are prevalence of current recommendations, are mostly children of fathers who can finance their studies, they are people who can not find work in private or do not seek him, tend to be very motivated and are encouraged to do the courtiers. It may be, even if it is true the other way around! We would like to reform this rotten system, for God?
Università            Aspetta un attimo! Ho dimenticato una cosa fondamentale: la fuga di cervelli! Tutti quelli che conoscevo con vera competenza e passione e orgoglio e bisogno di lavorare e desiderio di una vita normale, ecco tutti questi negli ultimi vent’anni se ne sono andati all’estero a fare ricerca.
Dottore                Motivo migliore per rinnovarla, questa maledetta università!
Università            Ma benedetto figliolo, certo che sì, che il lifting vorrei farmelo anche io. Ma ora che faccio? Scendo in campo con la sinistra, a difendere questi attuali professori o ricercatori, che vogliono starmi sulle croste per i prossimi 150 anni? O mi schiero con la Ministra, che vuole rendere ancora meno appetibile e incerta la professione del ricercatore, riducendolo ad un precariato permanente? E che vuole dare più potere ai baroni nei consigli di administration? But come on ... as the saying Liga "is not the time for us and never will be ..."
Doctor But you are defeatist. Something must be done well, if only for these children, our students. They want us to think, or not? They are our future!
University Ma a te dove ti hanno pescato, dimmi un po’? Dall’era glaciale tre ? No perché sei davvero jurassico nei ragionamenti. Ma non mi hai detto che ogni tanto hai insegnato, in università?
Dottore                Beh, insegnato è una parola grossa. Ho fatto il tutor per qualche anno, qualche sottospecie di seminario di poche ore.
Università            Oh that's funny mentoring! And, well in fact, the tutor is not a figure that is required in case of great difficulty? This was not the original sense of the profession?
Doctor But what? And educational assistance ... Now we
University Come on, let's be serious, come on! Man to man. Then, these students seem motivated you?
Doctor But look what you generalize AL-LU-CI-NAN -TI! I'm surprised at you.
University Yes, ok, are generalizations. You seem in general motivated to learn, 'sti college girls? And I say to study, not to pass the exams.
Doctor Well the care of the matter itself, generally little. From what I've heard from other colleagues is a fairly common situation: the more that students understand the material interested in achieving a vote and pass the exam. But this is a guess, really! Perhaps it is true and we che non li capiamo.
Università            E sarà pure come dici tu. Però l’impressione non è buona, ammettiamolo. Di persone appassionate non ce ne sono molte. Appassionarmi io alla loro causa, diciamo pure che   è dura.. E poi …
Dottore                Then what? Look what is normal at first, focus on results. We must take an objective and they are in voting to pass the exam! By objectives is wise and rational.
University Seeeeeeee. Ah well, by all means pass the exam is certainly their goal! And let's face it, why should you care to understand or study?
Doctor Ma insomma, come perché! Perché l’intelligenza è un piacere e la conoscenza pure. E soprattutto, più sai, più successo hai (ma guarda un po’ che bello slogan che m’è venuto di getto!).
Università            Ti dirò, a rischio d’essere materiale, io penso che vivere e mangiare e, scusa, scopare, diano più soddisfazioni che studiare. Studiare è una fatica, che quasi sempre vale la pena per fare dei soldi e per farsi una posizione!  
Dottore                Sapere è potere, tanto per proseguire con gli slogan!
Università            Ah! Ti sei proprio girato la corda intorno al collo da solo. Ma dimmi, quanto ti vale, nel mondo del lavoro, avere fatto il dottorato? Ti cercano più spesso, ti pagano di Moreover, they treat you with respect?
Doctor What you're infamous! Personal attacks on me. I have nothing worth, God, no! Indeed, companies do not call me because they think I'm much more time studying. And I have to hide the title of doctor, if I want to work. But my experience that all about?
University But honey, you're peaceful! You're in good company. But do not you know that in this country will be a yes and no 20% of people who find work through the curriculum? What's interesting to anyone that you have skills? That what counts is to be a friend of Tom and Dick?
Doctor But congratulations. Then bent too to this bad habit and get it over with.
University But no, honey, it's just an observation. That instead of these students miss I would lose time studying. I would try to get a title quite quickly and I'd do anything for any appearance with someone that matters.
Doctor So do not take to the field even for students. But enough is enough! You have to tell me that we do! What do we make of you, damn you!
University Watch you know what? I've got that I thought about it and eventually it seems so hopeless that your general anxiety. In fact it bothers me almost as if all I'd like to pull to the jacket. Or as if you were all how those relatives not seen in years and when you're about to pull the gambino are all around the hospital bed, because maybe we will run away a slice of heritage.
Doctor What pessimism! And the rancor! But how, precisely you who are the hope of our country, it is you that should guarantee us a future of prosperity and beauty!
University But no, look! Basically, in many decades of life I gained the calm indifference. I finally realized that nothing and no one is indispensable! So, please, and let stand lasciatimi a dignified death. Enough of this aggressive treatment, let me go, I'm ready.
Doctor What! But on a lady! No, no, no! You must live! We need you! I always say the great and fair President. How will we live without you?
University Come on, cheer up. In fact it is already quite a lot 'of years that you have learned to do without me. Of course, there was still the formality of the title, the six or seven years of maintaining family studies, but in the end what you really learned? If there was good family and friends there were a job where you had to start all over again, because there was one thing you've read that you serve to work. And the good ones, well, they will go abroad, as they do. The rest, as he said with masterly irony unaware a Minister, must rediscover the beauty of handicrafts. And then, let's face it, without people thinking you'll be much better in this country. Just talk to us instead of living and in deed. Rather look, I think I have to take away the pain …. Addio caro… Un bacio a tutti e buona fortuna!
Dottore                Metti giù la pistola!!! No, no, mio Dio no! Cosa hai fatto, maledetta! Cosa hai fatto! Ti sei uccisa! E adesso, povera patria, come faremo? Come vivremo? Che diranno di noi in Europa?