Trascrizione di una conversation that took place in a circle of the Democratic Party in the aftermath of the vote of confidence. The dialogue will involve writing a history of PD, a sympathizer of the left (who had voted in previous political PD) and a confidential source (referred to as strictly confidential) that is aware of top secret information on the PD.
Strictly Confidential: Pigi dice: abbiamo parlamentarizzato.
Iscritto Pd: Capito? Ma è una bomba! Così ci si muove, responsabilità e tattica!
Simpatizzante di sinistra: Scusa? E che vuol dire parlamentarizzato? Quando parli così tecnico non ti capisco e mi viene persino simpatia per il Berlusca e per l’Umberto, che dicono cose facili e chiare, anche se parecchi populiste!
Iscritto: But you say, ignorant! PAR-LA-MEN-TA-RE-ZA-RIZ. Clearer than that! We have forced the right to bring their own crisis in parliament. So they had to make it clear to the Italians, with outcomes that are seen.
supporters: ; will! But I Mica I understand that you did, you Democratic Party in recent months. I mean, I heard you say that you had to make alliances with the left and right (more right) but your alternative program for the government could not find it anywhere.
Strictly Confidential: Baffino said national emergency government. To overcome the systemic crisis that we are going through, politically and economically. A government with UDC, FLI, IDV, ALLOY and even if there is PDL.
supporters: ; See? The Baffino had said that he was there with everyone, absolutely everyone, per proporre una alternativa al Tappo di Arcore. E mi ricordo che sta storia mi sembrava quella del marito che si taglia gli zebedei per di fare dispetto alla moglie… Ma dico io, allearsi con gli ex fascisti? E con il Pierdi baciapile? E criticare sempre il Niki del Tacco e fargli le imboscate? E no, non mi stava bene, e poi vedi il risultato!
Iscritto: Do not you understand? The policies and tactics! It 's like a race sail, you need a tactician who understands well in the wind, feel it, so provides. And make the party making the right choices. Who can understand the mood of the country where they go! And they will be sailing Baffino ...
supporters: ; Ah, you say? Of course you have to be right, since you're in politics for years. Yet I like who tells me what he would do if the government in Italy, who gives me a hope for change, who shows me that it is disinterested in politics. And who tells me which way is clear, not that one day is left and the other seems to spit a Democrat. And I also like those new to politics, because I'm tired of the same faces who will be a populist argument, but it always comes back to mind.
Strictly Confidential: Baffino said young people must study, as we did at their age. Fiji And he stressed: "you must select a new ruling class, testing, and see if they are able and capable .. We need capable people who think for themselves and who does not say on their own but if you hear from others ".
Joined: ; ; Ha sentito, testa d’uovo? Basta con questo problema del rinnovamento, dei giovani, sono tutti pretesti. Guarda che ci sono mancati tre voti, dico tre, e lo mandavamo a casa il malefico Tappo! E questo mica grazie al tuo amico Renzo o al Niki di Tacco!! E quell’esaltato del Dipi alla fine gli ha regalato due traditori! La quasi vittoria è stata merito del Pigi, e anche di Baffino!
Simpatizzante: will! Yet it seemed to me that those, young people, the agreement with Fini did not want to do. They said that they seemed to get so close to the wrong "zone Gianfranco" and that it was better left to the scheme. And I also liked the belief that they had to propose the election, in the event of a crisis of governance. He gave me the idea that they had courage, and believe, for once, they can win with a proposal for a center-left. That is, it seemed that finally young sti fidassero most of the Italians, that members of parliament! Unlike Fiji and Baffin Island.
Strictly Confidential: Rosy ha detto: c’è il problema della legge elettorale, il premio di maggioranza che manda all’opposizione la maggioranza degli italiani. E la questione della mancanza di preferenze!
Iscritto: See? Our ruling class certainly had no fear of the vote! But I tell you to do? It was a sense of responsibility, to seek an agreement to change the electoral law. Not to mention the prerogatives of head of state to mandate to form a new government ...
supporters: ; Ah, ‘sta cosa delle prerogative lasciala stare, per piacere. C’avrete anche ragione, però a me i cambi in corsa non mi piacciono. E finisco che do ragione al Nano, maledizione, quando dice che a governare deve andarci chi è stato scelto alle elezioni (con tanto di nome sulla scheda) e che diversamente si va ad elezioni. Sembra quasi che la sinistra moderata non si fidi della fantomatica “gente”, quando propone governi di transizioni. Sembra, ma non sarà sicuramente vero, che i dirigenti del Pd c’abbiano una grande paura del voto, e questa mi sembra una cosa poco, passami il termine, democratica. E poi se avevamo tanti maestri della tattica nel nostro partito, una soluzione c’era …
Joined: Solution to what?
supporters: ; to the electoral law! It was enough that your tactics were going to ally themselves in electoral coalition with the third prong, the Pierdo e il Rotella e ed ecco che si prendeva il premio di maggioranza. E per le preferenze, bastavano le primarie per tutti i candidati a camera e senato!
Strictly Confidential: Pierdi dice: siamo pronti a presentare agli italiani una proposta di governo alternativa al Pdl e al Pd".
Simpatizzante: You see? Did you go to the center right after the fugitives, the twins different, and now they you download. No government with us, no future agreements and perhaps even the government expands the Pierdo to Berlusca. You say you do not make the idealists, but then you can not miss to make realistic!
Joined: ; ; Ma che dici? Il governo è praticamente battuto, ormai non ha più di qualche mese di vita. Con tre voti di sostegno è una vittoria di Pirro. E poi il nostro obiettivo adesso è proporci come forza alternativa di governo.
Strictly Confidential: Letto Enrico dice : "Dobbiamo proseguire sulla linea del rapporto con Fini e Casini".
Joined: ; But let it be that this to read is stuff yesterday before the vote of confidence! Now we send in the government and spediamoli home before spring.
Strictly Confidential: Stopper says On with the government until you can and when it will be with much enthusiasm I throw myself into the campaign.
Sympathizing See, I do not understand, what is the outcome we have achieved, such as PD. We said we thought the elections dangerous for the country, and probably will be in March equally. We approached the Tortellino and feet, and they clearly say that we do not want. It says it is a Pyrrhic victory ...
Member Already Pirro. Exactly! What do you want to be ridiculous three votes! Send them home! At home! Shame! Parliamentarians and their transaction!
Sympathizing ; Oh my mother! My head is in the tournament! But just the other day told me that he was not finished Berlusconi? And a few years ago told me the same thing? Yet what has almost always won the election. You said that was no longer the country that the wind had changed and that won administration, European policies ... It's not that your tactics are confused?
Strictly confidential Baffino ruled in 2008, "between Berlusconi and the country idyll finished "; Nel 2009 Pigi aveva confermato: “Berlusconi è finito, è all’imbrunire ed è ora che noi tutti andiamo al riassunto di questo ciclo e anche per chi ci ha creduto è ora di guardare oltre”; e nel 2006 lo Smilzo aveva profetizzato: “Il tempo di Berlusconi è finito.”
Simpatizzante know? And if only I had more memory, I could climb back up to 10 years ago. It 's always on the verge of the end for you, Cap. And Berlusconi. And I say be patient, to understand the gravity of the moment, not to criticize, to send down the worst toads. And later, after the victory against the cap, it is time to renew, to make real programs, to the true left to deal with ethical issues, social equity and so on. But decades are, you know, ask me to wait for decades! And I have broken my balls, just to put it plainly.
Member Ma la linea è quella giusta, davvero. Questa volta mi devi credere. Manca poco e cade. Basta aspettare ancora un poco. Un poco di pazienza e vedrai. Adesso però non possiamo mollare, dobbiamo rinserrare le fila e tenere la barra a dritta. E’ nostro dovere!
Simpatizzante Il dovere sarà il tuo, magari. E maybe you will be to tell your voters that "parliamentarised" did not mean a damn and who was also a bad move, given what happened. And maybe you hold the candle to Tortellino was fucked up, since it does not carry a twenty years and since it's right to the core. And maybe you should also say you need to change tactics, because you can not carry where ever the wind blows.
Strictly confidential 14 dicembre 2010 Pigi dichiara: “Grazie a noi la maggioranza non c'è più ci siamo mossi bene, l'opposizione si è allargata". Sempre Pigi ribadisce: “Chi pensa al voto è un irresponsabile … Ci vuole un governo di transizione…
Simpatizzante Then I want to piss off at all costs? No I say, you have not done any mistake, the line was so perfect and should be maintained? So, how is it that the Nano is still in office? And how is it that we are at 25% versus 33% in polls of the past? And how is it that always stay the same in the control cabin, though not a gilling? And how come I can not even dream to fly with the center-right democratic elections? And how come I can not even want a program of the left?
Member But no, where do you go, come here. But where do you go? But that is not our fault if MPs do not understand what is the good of the country, namely, that we of the left, say the old Left, the governments? And that is our fault that these Italians are so stupid they do not understand that the Nano is over? And that is our fault if our constituents do not understand that we are the best leaders of the PD there is? And that is our fault if people do not understand the beauty of alliances with the right?
Sympathizing Ma ascolta, ma voi il dubbio di essere nel torto, mai? E dove trovate il coraggio di continuare a guidare il partito? E mantenere la vostra linea senza dialogare con nessuno?
Iscritto But how? But do not you know? We have swept the Congress, you know? And who wins the conference as we did, has a mandate to govern until the end of the mandate. And to dictate the line. And you have the people and the members learn to respect the vote of Congress. I stopped criticizing and wait their turn. And you trust us! And end up with the counter, suggestions, movements, new leader, primary, young upwardly mobile and whatever else! Enough with the ideas, by God. Ideas are subversive, if not used with care!
Sympathizing ; Ah ho capito. Vi ha legittimati il congresso. Quella roba con le tessere. Ecco. Ora ho capito quasi tutti, di voi! E dite che perciò non volete più sentire critiche. E avanti con Tortellino. E magari volete anche rivedere il sistema delle primarie. E date anche appena potete un bel colpo sulla testa a Niki, che stia buono e un altro a DiPi. E lanciate gli abbasso a Renzo e gli abbasso anche a Ciwa, che aspettino il loro turno nei prossimi decenni. Ah bene. Ora ho le idee chiare. Ora sono davvero tranquillo!
Iscritto But where are you going? But stop! Come on! But back here! Come on, I need people for the event! But up, but think again! Come on! But at least put me on a cross! A voticino again, please. Then I'll leave you alone! And 'the last time that you do not care, I swear. Daiiii! Campaign at least once! But Ugh. Watch now call Fiji and Baffino and I'll put a note on the register! Come back here or you're out. Fuoriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
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