frittata è fatta, ma sarebbe l’ora di rivoltarla. Perché se è vero che gli accordi di Mirafiori e Pomigliano sembrano ormai definitivi, non si capisce proprio quest’addossare al PD e alla sinistra il fardello della questione. Insomma, dando ascolto ai media e seguendo il flusso delle dichiarazioni sembrerebbe quasi che the government there was Bersani, the minister Vendola economy, industrial relations and welfare Di Pietro Ichino. But no, the Government are the PDL League and the responsibility for what is happening within the system of Italian industrial relations in these days if they have to take them. So rather than go looking for cracks in the left-which do exist, should be asked to Bossi and Maroni what they think of this Agreement, which they claim to have now conquered the working class constituency in northern Italy. Paladins italianity against chinoiserie, the fierce opponents of globalization, what have they done to prevent the emergence of business models from countries in developing countries, limiting their rights and increased workloads? Do not you worry even a bit 'to see our workers transformed in many Chinese workers and put into a competition without network with the Indians or Koreans? And if he does not care, as appears from their complacent silence of these days, how can they claim to represent in some way the workers and their rights?
frittata è fatta, ma sarebbe l’ora di rivoltarla. Perché se è vero che gli accordi di Mirafiori e Pomigliano sembrano ormai definitivi, non si capisce proprio quest’addossare al PD e alla sinistra il fardello della questione. Insomma, dando ascolto ai media e seguendo il flusso delle dichiarazioni sembrerebbe quasi che the government there was Bersani, the minister Vendola economy, industrial relations and welfare Di Pietro Ichino. But no, the Government are the PDL League and the responsibility for what is happening within the system of Italian industrial relations in these days if they have to take them. So rather than go looking for cracks in the left-which do exist, should be asked to Bossi and Maroni what they think of this Agreement, which they claim to have now conquered the working class constituency in northern Italy. Paladins italianity against chinoiserie, the fierce opponents of globalization, what have they done to prevent the emergence of business models from countries in developing countries, limiting their rights and increased workloads? Do not you worry even a bit 'to see our workers transformed in many Chinese workers and put into a competition without network with the Indians or Koreans? And if he does not care, as appears from their complacent silence of these days, how can they claim to represent in some way the workers and their rights?
not fare much better in the PDL, whose ministers Sacconi and Romans-in-head clap believe the proposed Marchionne. Since the way things are, would be the time to point out to him that not only has passed away the farce of the President "worker," but that the whole structure "popular" of the PDL must be abandoned. Just be happy of what is happening to the Fiat reveals the truth of a class party, which is indifferent to the fate of the workers, which is in full agreement on their use and that does not believe is necessary to move a finger to improve the living conditions work and who is placed in a low-end income. The PDL is thus found that the party class of entrepreneurs, showing an old-fashioned vision of the company, designed to recognize only the rights of employers and workers.
And if someone answer that nothing could be done, that the agreements were accepted and to preserve the jobs there was no other choice? To these, which are many, we should say that shows a vision dominated by political economy, the vision that brought us into the economic crisis and has made national and international bankers of the real holders of power. And so to the eye, I have the impression that many voters League and PDL would not be just happy to know that their fate has been delivered, without asking their opinion, in the hands of a supposed elite officials.
But the truth is yet another: che molto il governo poteva e doveva fare in questa fase epocale di trasformazione del mondo del lavoro e delle relazioni d’impresa e nulla ha fatto. Tanto per essere concreti, il governo poteva farsi promotore di piano di sviluppo della Fiat che, attraverso sostegni economici ed agevolazioni fiscali, permettesse un miglioramento della produttività e della qualità delle produzioni. In sintesi, il governo aveva il dovere di spingere la Fiat a competere con gli altri giganti dell’automobile non sul piano del risparmio del costo del lavoro ma sulla qualità e l’innovazione dei propri mezzi. Auto migliori, magari innovative da un punto di vista dei carburanti, ad alto valore aggiunto tecnologico, con operai tanto qualificati e specializzati da become irreplaceable. A development plan calibrated short on competitive strategies outlined by the European Union, which it considers necessary to transform the old continent into a "knowledge economy", to avoid entering into direct competition with those emerging economies that can have a very low cost workforce . The Berlusconi government could propose such a plan Marchionne, leveraging funds for the retraining of staff and development of production coming from Brussels, but felt it was not necessary to do so. Why had no real interest in helping workers Fiat, which has not reserved a tenth of the attention reserved for Alitalia, which instead was nice to other "interests" and for which he has violated an unspecified amount of EU rules.
But such a strategy put in place medium to long term would have also led to the questioning of the economic line of Tremonti, this alleged liberalism cloaked in compassionate paternalism. In short, the recipe for the Treasury to handle the economic crisis is just that of the linear cut spending: a simple and short of breath at the same time, why not offer any direction for development and no incentive for the overall recovery of the Italian competitiveness. Intervene personally in the Mirafiori and agreements Pomigliano would mean for the government also engage economically with all’UE, per delineare un progetto di sviluppo innovativo in un comparto industriale molto importante per il nostro paese. Ma Tremonti non ha voluto derogare al suo schema, pensando che era più comodo e più sicuro fare pagare agli operai il peso della crisi e della ristrutturazione. E comportandosi così in modo assai diverso non solo da paesi notoriamente comunisti come la Germania e la Francia – che hanno speso per riqualificare e sostenere l’innovazione e la ricerca- ma anche dal pericolo socialista Obama, che negli Stati Uniti ha ampiamente aiutato con fondi pubblici l’industria dell’auto.
In conclusione la vicenda Fiat è the clear signal that the political crisis of the Berlusconi government
a government that calls itself "making" and that a similar, crucial story does not do anything, including the failure to reform the system of union representation,
a government that claims to be "popular" and "patriotic" and greets with a classic "I do not care" the new problems of Italian workers, showing a biased opinion of him on the wing flattens more authoritarian and "exploitative" of entrepreneurship Italian.
Other than the crisis of the left, then!
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