Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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open letter AugustAmbiente, Decontamination Sicily
Constituent Ecologist and Island Clean City Committee
all’On. Presidente della Regione Raffaele Lombardo
Egregio On. Presidente Lombardo, avevamo apprezzato la Sua responsabile presa di posizione sul Piano Rifiuti che, di fatto, azzerava i 4 inceneritori di Cuffaro, ma rimaniamo delusi dalla decisione di utilizzare il CDR come co-combustibile nei cementifici per i seguenti motivi:
1. si tratta sempre di ricorso alla combustione, con l’aggravante che i cementifici risultano più inquinanti degli inceneritori in quanto non dotati di specifici sistemi di abbattimento delle polveri e tanto meno dei microinquinanti, ed autorizzati con higher emission limits (the limit for dioxins ranging from 0.1 nanograms / cu in incinerators 10 ng / mc in cement, that is 100 times more!). Furthermore, since the operating temperature of cement higher than those of incinerators, emissions, and in particular the nanoparticolato (consisting mainly heavy metals), are even larger; also the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency ) found significant increases of mercury, one of the most toxic compounds to humans, in the emissions of cement supplied by CDR. In the U.S. cement manufacturers are required to indicate on the containers of concrete made with the use of CDR, the message "cement obtained by co-Cdr fuel, such as cement is hazardous to health due to the release of heavy metals by artifacts made with it ;
2. discouragement of recycling and, in fact, opening the import of CDR, as evidenced by the policy of the incinerators. Furthermore, using the CDR as co-fuel, there is a substantial reduction in the recycling of valuable materials such as paper, cardboard and plastics, and jobs;
3. in fact worsen the plan Cuffaro, from 4 a 6 inceneritori (quanti sono i cementifici in Sicilia): a Modica e Ragusa, entrambe zone vocate alla zootecnia ed alla serricoltura, con conseguenti irreparabili danni economici, a Catania, allocato in pieno centro urbano che determinerebbe l’aumento di traffico pesante e di conseguenza dell’inquinamento acustico e da polveri, a Priolo, in piena area industriale, già fortemente compromessa, ad Isola delle Femmine (PA) ed a Porto Empedocle (AG), questi due ultimi in aree urbane a forte vocazione turistica.
Signor Presidente, questi tre motivi ci preoccupano particolarmente, e La invitiamo a riprendere la strada che tutto il mondo civile ha ormai da tempo intrapreso e cioè “l’Obiettivo Rifiuti Zero” che privilegia il riciclaggio e considera e sfrutta i rifiuti come una risorsa.
è mai possibile che, con le conoscenze scientifiche sui devastanti danni all’ambiente e alla salute, arrecati dalle emissioni degli impianti di incenerimento, si possa ancora oggi continuare sulla vecchia strada degli inceneritori che “termo-svalorizzano” l’ambiente, la salute ed i rifiuti?
è così complicato costruire almeno un impianto di compostaggio per provincia, obbligare i Comuni ad attivare i centri di raccolta e costruire quegli impianti, assolutamente non inquinanti, che trasformano la frazione dei RSU non riciclabile in sabbia artificiale ottima per construction, how does one "Vedelago?
Everything, if you will, is achievable in the short term, with lower costs than the systems with CDR and the creation of more jobs clean.
Augusta, March 7 20 010 Giacinto Franco for "AugustAmbiente" Louis Solarino for "Decontamination Sicily luigi.solarino @ Pino Ciampolillo for "Motion City Island Clean" Paul Pantano for "Constituent Environmentalist"


Waste Plan, critical environmental organizations

March 8, 2011 - 14:50
Four environmental organizations write to the President of Sicily Region Raffaele Lombardo to express their disappointment about the new waste plan presented yesterday by the governor. "We appreciated the statement, signed by AugustAmbiente, Decontamination Sicily Island Constituent Environmentalist and Clean City Committee, responsible for its initiative to clear the 4-energy plant planned but by Cuffaro but we remain disappointed by the decision to use the CDR, or refuse derived fuel, cement, because they are more polluting incinerators because they do not have specific dust suppression systems and authorized emission limits higher. "For the environmental groups would also discourages the recycling and waste would be even worse Plan Cuffaro, from 4 to 6 incinerators (as the number of cement factories in Sicily): Modica, Ragusa, Catania, Priolo, Harbour Island and Empodocle of these females last two in urban areas with a strong tourist vocation. For environmentalists the only possible solution is "Objective Zero Waste "which focuses on recycling and considers and uses garbage as a resource, providing at least a composting plant for the province, forcing the municipalities to enable the collection centers and build those facilities, very clean, which transform the fraction of MSW can not be recycled in good artificial sand for construction. The all-concludes the statement - it is done swiftly, with lower costs than the systems with CDR and the creation of more jobs clean.

cement plants and equipment in which case
incineration of waste are among
unhealthy industries first class
under Article 216 of the Consolidated
health of Laws (listed
published in OJ No. 220 of 20/09 / 1994).
the meaning of Article 1 of the Constitution of
Italian Republic, the citizens have certainly
the right to comment on the presence
industries in the territory of which the law
classifies as a serious source of unhealthiness.
Substances highly toxic, persistent,
bioaccumulative, particularly dangerous
for growing bodies, fetuses
and Baby ..: Arsenic, Beryllium, Cadmium, Chromium,
Nickel, Benzene, Lead, Dioxins,
dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls, hydrocarbons
Polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
addition to Dioxin , the ' Arsenic,
beryllium, cadmium, chromium
and Nickel, some are carcinogenic
(class 1 according to the Agency
International Agency for Research on Cancer - IARC)
per polmone, vescica, rene, colon, prostata
I cementifici non sono   in grado
di rispettare le normative vigenti
qualora riconvertiti all’attività di
incenerimento di rifiuti, che risulta
in itself problematic in
plant specially designed
for that sole purpose .
NOT all substances produced by the combustion
of waste are filtered even
with the use of modern
The combustion of waste you produce
the formation of large quantities of
ultrafine particles, which
shown to have
serious human health and
entitle action
mutagenic and genotoxic.
In populations exposed to
emissions of pollutants from
from incinerators have been reported
numerous adverse health effects
is that other types of cancer.
THE studies report increases
cancer: liver, larynx, stomach,
colon-rectum, bladder, kidney, breast.
Incremento dei nati femmine e
parti gemellari, incremento di
congenite, ipofunzione
tiroidea, diabete, ischemie,
problemi comportamentali,
patologie polmonari croniche
nonspecific, bronchitis, allergies,
disorders in childhood
The landscape, protected by Article 9 of
Constitution, MUST BE
AL center of our evaluations.
We demand the immediate
ITALCEMENTI, Pantano, cutin, 39, ecopunto Falletta, Island of the Females, Franco, Solarino Piombino, PORTOBELLO, waste collection, TAR VENICE 2462/2009, ARPA, Cementirossi, Decree 693 2008, Fumane


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