Monday, November 22, 2010

What Is Tilt Of A Lacrosse Helmet

PD: Back to the future!

It is not the time to keep. He also noticed on the right, explains Irene Tinagli :
David Cameron still surprised with the choice of the new "guru" who will help to develop a new vision of society and of England. Cameron has convened Richard Florida, professor at the University of Toronto, one of the biggest names in the field of innovation, creativity and regional development. For those who know the work of the surprise Florida is more than understandable: his reputation is in fact linked to his creative ideas about society, multicultural, open to differences of religion, culture, sexual orientation and also often in contrast to his battles.
In Italy the right major (League and PDL) seems very distant, in contrast, undertook to make us re-discovered the (dis) value of the race, (dis) price of culture, the (un) love for life all costs, the (dis) pleasure for women. And, staying on the right, the futuristic Finian will do much to offset that much must be forgiven. And that
says, on the left? What is available to innovate, the parliamentary left? Often one gets the impression that the majority of PD is satisfied settled on conservative positions. On some points, an easy location and even the right to hold, primarily on the defense of Part One of the Constitution. But then what? We do not talk about civil rights, on which not only occasions we missed with PACS and I say, but now we do not even dare to speak out about the rights of homosexuals and unmarried couples without prejudice to the enlightened minority, such as concerts or Scalfatorotto. But these, one could argue (sbagliando!) are minor issues and / or matters of conscience, which goes beyond the "partition" of the party. Then we make a experiment and evaluate the proposals in the workplace, for at least this will be a central theme for a party of center-left of this Republic? And here, once again, the majority of the Democratic Party seems to want to keep. Preserving the rights of workers in this country, with this real economy means one thing: preserving the rights di chi il lavoro l'ha già! Fregandosene dei precari, per i quali si dice che piano piano, alla soglia dei quaranta o dei cinquanta anni, una soluzione qualcun'altro (magari di destra) la troverà! Se questa ancora non basta, come indicazione di tendenza, parliamo di scuola e università. Bravi a difendere (e talvolta con ragione) i diritti degli studenti e degli insegnanti minacciati dai tagli "riformatori" della Gelmini. Ma idealmente condividiamo il pensiero dominante per il quale la scuola è luogo della competizione e della selezione sociale (ritorno agli anni  forty-fifty?) and no training of citizens. And proposals for the university that we never did and especially applied to overcome practical and baronies barons, to improve the quality of teaching and research, and how much we are terribly conservative in the selection of our ruling class, always the same names that count by thirty years in this part-by-case basis and if it asks for and seeks to update, you are labeled as ambitious, arrogant and even incompetent.
The problem is the convenience of conservative thought. Terribly, even deadly, reassuring. Which guarantees (Hypothetically) on the traditional seal of the electorate, that assumes you do not like change. What makes it more secure and firm steps, because it moves on a path opened by others over the decades. That does not require special processing because there are all the questions and also all the answers. What you repeating the same the same rituals and liturgies, just like mass. What favors the adult world well over fifty and older, which is ultimately the maggiornaza in the party.
But we must say that this conservation is our drug. And 'the drug that blunts and does not see that the world has changed, that there are old answers to new problems. Because we can certainly continue to do so, close your eyes and plug his ears and continue to speak of 'Italy's twenty or even ten years ago. We can do it, and we continue to think that our political crisis - the PD at 22-24% - is given only a passenger, that things will get better without having to change anything, even just changing some alliance. We can also tell us that voters do not care if there are always the same faces, both in Italy and the gerontocracy the concentration of power is normal. Yes, we can say and do so, exactly how we're doing, and we continue to lose and have no consensus strategies for the future. We can prepare us in the past, rather than combine the future. We can, but I do not want to do it. I do not care, like many others who know. Means being left on the side of progress, challenges, means wanting to say yes to the future, young people, new ideas and diversity. So I said yes to Next Stop Italy and go beyond. Perchè c'era un urgenza di superamento in tutt'e due i progetti. Perchè erano affermazioni di volontà di futuro e non abbraccio mortale del passato. Spero che il mio partito, il PD, voglia finalmente ritornare al futuro!.


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